alex beyer

I have no idea what they were running it was an old family PC that I was saving the hard drive, i think it was Windows 95. I gutted it and saved the fans, the platters and the magnets from them and some ribbon to reuse the wires.

I love coincedences like this. I just took apart 6 hard drives from old computers that didn't have anything important on them and were too small to reuse. One was 10GB, god I can't even imagine going back to that (it would be great if OS didn't take up 32GB min now a days).

I think this is a great idea, and a great way to cut down on piracy too.

Whatever happened to liquoring kids up before long trips?

Why society has taught us we need to be tolerant and the responsibility of parenting falls on everyone but the parents. And if you get annoyed by a disobedient brat then you're the asshole, not the shitty parent.

I love the fact that you just called a 7 year old a cunt. That made my day.

Your issue requires the foam tubing to be on the outside instead of inside and requires cutting of the foam and careful placement. So what I would recommend is you mold the tubing to your ear so that none of the ear is being pressed against the cup, and instead the cup is being pressed against the head. The best way

yes but the hacking aspect comes in the form of taking a shower caddy piece and using it for another purpose other than the intended. One could look at the glass and if there wasn't any color/sticky residue in the glass then you could assume its a water glass. There are many solutions, and this is what worked for this

or asian restaurant joke?

I use glitter and love to make my bar.

right that's so annoying. You try a game and find out its shit and then you get a new device and look for the legit apps and you can't find it since all the apps you tested and hated are burying the gems. I don't like mining for my apps. They should incorporate a favorite feature too. So you can label your good apps

How has that not become a meme?

Rauser obviously a play on rouse, and to keep with the german Luft they changed it to "ause" since it's a common string of letters in German.

so its introductory universal currency, interesting.

Yeah to this day I look forward to that, too.

I love these so simple yet brilliant hacks, it almost makes you feel stupid that you didn't think of it yourself.

Quailman, talk about nostalgia right there. though he should have went with a skull cap and 4 strands of hair, but other than that great costume.

a better version of any white character. Think of it this way; Black Link gets the girl along with Black Mario, white Link and Mario = cuckold. Ganon and Bowser are definitely getting some from them since they're assertive and don't settle for just a kiss. You could always be Cyborg too he's black, or the best green

This article sucked, at least due the research to justify the article to see if it was a common practice started in medieval times. It obviously must hold some historical accuracy if it has crossed many games/media.

This seems like a space killer for us condo folks. Maybe a good alternative is using 7 different colored electrical tape that you put on the side you want visible and then on your fridge you have a color coding guide and a white board with the days on it and the meal you plan to prep for that day. That way each box