In the same vein, I cannot stand “Simply Having A wonderful Christmas Time” by Paul...
In the same vein, I cannot stand “Simply Having A wonderful Christmas Time” by Paul...
How is it for straight lines? Like the bottom of the back of the head, or sideburn area? The curved blade seems like it might make it somewhat difficult.
How is it for straight lines? Like the bottom of the back of the head, or sideburn area? The curved blade seems like…
Needs more VAG!
*existential dread not included.
Man I sure do love the Highlight Reel, but I think that I might hate the non-mutable Big Tobacco ad at the beginning of each video just a bit more.
I was saying I don’t see the difference between the ideas of “breakfast” and “drinking by 10am”.
Perhaps you were blessed with a top-notch digestive system. In my case, if I were to adhere to your “6-sheet rule”, I would end up walking around with a measurable amount of waste still attached to me - and the inside of my clothing.
Kudos to you and your easy-to-clean butthole, but realize that is not the case for…
I’m currently struggling with how exactly to “be a maker” for a living. My skill-set is wide and my interest level is varied, so “making” is where I’m happiest. Problem is, there aren’t a lot of jobs where you’re allowed to work within multiple different disciplines with a constantly changing environment.
Can I restore…
I’m not seeing a difference between the two.
Really starting to enjoy these “Jason Drives” bits.
Well done and keep ‘em coming!
Well, then in that case I say ride it out until it does “run out.” It’s not like I’d throw away my lottery winnings just because it was luck and/or possibly undeserved.
Busybodies, that’s who.
It seems odd to me that given the number of objects that passively reflect the sun’s rays into concentrated areas that we don’t have more ‘random’ fires started from coincidental arrangements of objects.
Built a new house with windows at just the wrong angle? Fire
That’s commitment. My reasons are partially weather related and partially that I park it in a ‘downtown’ area while I’m working, and I don’t want to leave it open and unattended for 8 hours everyday.
That is an ideal setup. It’s too bad I’d have to have a second DD (and a bigger garage) to keep it in that configuration at all times.
My thoughts exactly. I read through all the comments looking for all the “yeah, but...” comments in the hopes I’d save myself some cash today.
When these were new, I vividly remember thinking - God, I sure hope this blob-wedge shape isn’t the future of car design...
The car or the girlfriend? Maybe both.