
Google image searches “Krokodile”
Comes back to Jalopnik to yell at SOCdriver for suggesting it
Sees suggestion to Google Lemon Party
Rinse and repeat

Is there any reason to shy away from it based on being an early release? I’m always a bit wary, though I realize that’s almost becoming the norm on steam.

Has there been or will there be any additional “scenarios” for Factorio that you’ve heard of? I played through it with a fervor but once it releases you into the “do what you want” portion, I couldn’t stay as motivated.


Starred for fricassee.

So if this works both ways as you claim, all we have to do is reverse the power and get unlimited tools?

That’s one of my favorite things about the GTA games. Unfolding that giant map always gives me the ‘stalgias for the printed manuals of old games.

Please, nobody read this story. It’s an absolute waste of your time.

I wonder who’s driveway that is.

As Capt. Picard so rightfully noted, you’re wrong. They DO NOT get a free pass, no matter what. That’s an insane form of logic you’re practicing and doesn’t work in the real world.

I get what you’re saying, but semis don’t get some sort of free-pass just because they’re semis.

If anyone wants to chip-in the extra...say....$40K, I’ll daily drive this thing and document every single minute of it in the name of research.

That reminds me, I met this girl today who had some fine-ass hair.

If a game has multiple endings (based on different in-game actions - AKA Dishonored) I hate to admit it, but after I beat it my way, I usually just watch the alternate endings on Youtube.

And nothing but the tooth.

So, um...fake cars in advertising. Dumb.

Very cool. Work/play.

Newest note in my phone:

Big smile as I saw this shot in the video.