
Not entirely sure how I’d put it in words, but this picture of this car somehow exemplifies everything I love about automobiles. It’s a gut-feeling-thing.


Good lord CoH is a great game. I’m actually about half-way through another playthrough of CoH2.

Why doesn’t anyone make any RTS games similar to those anymore?

When is The Legend of Zelda - Wii U supposed to be coming out?

My typical “go-tos” for re-playable games are the “theme” and “tycoon” games.

I’m cool with this as long as I can play a game with my mom and giggle every time I say the word “chit” like I used to as a child.

No mention of their “explanation”?

I’ve always thought parking next to the driver’s door was a better option.


I read that as “Al Trump” and pictured this.

In a perfect world, yes.

Like a living...like, that’s your job? Wow. Lucky son-of-a-gun.

“How was the double-fisting you received last night?”

Well, on the upside, your unbridled enthusiasm for the game convinced me to buy it on Steam just now. So, thanks for that.

Maybe I should just start signing my paychecks over to Steam...you know, cut out the middle-man as it were.

1. Human blood
2. Until it finds it’s next victim

Nothing to do with electric Audis, but is there an Audi factory option on any of the smaller sedans for a towing package?

Better choose your favorite 2 of the 3 boys.

Even better - give them motorized assistance!

Oh! Then give them a couple seats so multiple people can use them at once. Then maybe protection from the environment?? We’ll be rich!