
Where do you keep yours?

Took me a while to notice that bat-guy ended up with pole-man’s pole at the end of the skirmish...and still seemed to be the one to call it quits.

Oh good. Now I don’t have to bother watching that episode I DVRed.

This is easy.

Why, my penny-farthing of course.


Yup. This gets more use than my actual wrenches.

What the fuck is up with the overlay-style advertisement video NOT popping up until I’ve hit play on the embedded video?

God....anything I did to the cars I had during high school.

The new one looks to be a little short for a stormtrooper.

I’m just glad Judd Hirsch is involved so he can (in the 11th hour) provide some old-world Jewish proverb or saying that provides Jeff Goldblum with the exact idea he needs to save the world.

Yes, yes you would. So fun...play mine all the time. Don’t listen to the Nintendo haters.

The only game I bought for my Wii U in 2015 was Toad: Treasure Tracker (released end of 2014). It was great.

I watch a lot of instructional videos (drywalling, wiring, etc.) to make sure I’m doing things correctly and efficiently, and I don’t think I’ve watched a video at less than 1.5x - usually 2x - in months.

I guess I just pictured some ass-hat walking into a crowded area with that AR-556 and how quickly he could distribute such a devastating amount of ammo.