
Maybe you can hold Pu in your hand, but no thank you sir, I'll pass.

I don't much care for the cut of your jib.

Whether Allah, God, or whoever's got your back, people generally have a sense of self-preservation. Their lack of concern for actually being alive is disgusting.

Christ...do they just not care if they live or not?

"How would that world then differ, from the cascading effects of this one decision?"

"Lights or no lights, I still can't see shit."

How about "it is what it is."


This makes me want a continuous side-scrolling game where there are day/night/weather cycles that force you to master different crafting/survival skills.

I didn't read his essay - not ready to tumble down that rabbit hole - but what does he change it to?

Wasn't this already made? Terribly.

"The Gil Gunderson Starter Pack"

7. Sense of entitlement bursts due to over-inflation.
8. Pissed because Mom didn't supply him with a spare sense of entitlement.
9. #BoycottMom

You and Godwolf should be friends.


What is this, a farm for ants?!?

"How it's Made" covered this factory at some point as well - very cool process and I enjoy that it's still very much a hand-crafted item.

This would make for some great "alternate universe" story where specific limitations or situations led to this being our typical form of transportation rather than the cars and trucks we know today.

I got to that part last night. While I was fumbling around with the keyboard trying to figure out how to switch weapons, I hit F1 (I think) and it completely skipped the level...!