
"How would that world then differ, from the cascading effects of this one decision?"

How about "it is what it is."

"The Gil Gunderson Starter Pack"

7. Sense of entitlement bursts due to over-inflation.
8. Pissed because Mom didn't supply him with a spare sense of entitlement.
9. #BoycottMom

I got to that part last night. While I was fumbling around with the keyboard trying to figure out how to switch weapons, I hit F1 (I think) and it completely skipped the level...!

I don't know if it was a glitch on my copy (in the 90's) or I was just doing something wrong, but I could never get passed the "shoot the rats" level.

How not to be a beer snob: realize most every beer has it's time/place.

The "Fromunda Cheese Special."

Haha, don't know why, but I love this photo from Yelp.

He sure is living the dream.

I don't know a lot about the ins-and-outs of Dakar, but could someone compete with a Rally Fighter?

With quite a bit less pretension too.

There was an episode where Tim received an honorary PhD from WMU. They even held the ceremony in Sangren Hall (a set, but still cool)!

Fellow Bronco!

Next GTA needs to be set in London - end of discussion!

Would drive as-is.

So much want.

Soooo pretty.

First one I asked responded with "That's a dumb question, what the hell do I care what you do with your life?"