
Just out of curiosity, what is the reason behind the drastic change in "beefiness" of today's cars vs. the cars of yesteryear?

"...right up there at the same level as Clooney Bieber is today."

This old dude is so thirsty, he can't even focus on the fact it's a drink dispenser and he's surrounded by people and cameras. Can't resist that nipple tweak.

Game: State of Decay

So Stewart isn't even a bit gun-shy when it comes to using his car as a weapon? Huh...that's some pretty shitty judgement.

I mainly use Blender. A bit of Zbrush, but not for quite a while.

Duh....haven't you been following the NEWS? It's EBOLA!

We're well on our way! Look out dumbos!

That was very cool.

I've always been interested in RC planes. I bought a nitro powered plane from a garage sale once. Cleaned up the engine, refurbished the electronics, took it out, crashed and destroyed it within 5 seconds of takeoff.

I don't know what's worse, the guy making an ill-timed ebola joke or the dumb girl repeatedly "booing" him (in an attempt to get everyone else on-board with her public shaming) the entire time.

Yikes. Sexual arousal from fire? Dead pigs? Cooking meat?

I've always wanted to learn how to make neon signs. I'd quit my day-job and become an apprentice to this guy in a heartbeat.

Very cool workspace. The only addition I'd make is a second biometric lock located near the bottom of the door, attached to a doggy-door and programmed to recognize the corgi's paw-print. Teach him to come and go as he pleases.

I've never had a very rigorous bill-checking ritual. Most of mine are on auto-payment (from the same account most of my spending comes from). I guess I just go by the "feels about right" method of knowing my balance in that account.

Can you just pour the gel into the bottom of the bowl?

Such helpful little buggers.