
I know right. The nfl Paid (albeit begrudgingly and it seems like lip service to me) for a super bowl ad against domestic violence. It wasn’t (and shouldn’t be) seen as an attack either. Neither thing is an attack.

Isn’t there also a big political hooha right now over the BS lip service support of troops during nfl games? The us govt using millions of tax dollars because they have to PAY the nfl to say “support our troops” before games.

And it’s a sad world when the words “stop shooting us” are seen as an attack on anyone.

I thought she was saying she liked his “Jackson five nose”- like, their natural noses when they were kids

i didn’t know people were upset about beys song, everyone I have interacted with loved it! Im not into spoken word usually but the dancing was great as well as the message and I enjoyed it!

Right?! I’m almost positive every person I know, adults and kids alike, would be really upset after a bad career moment like that one. Especially after hours of a physical, adrenaline fueled sports battle. Come on. I'm impressed when people seem super composed in that position, but totally give them a pass if they're

Yep—- we make a game of watching for Tom Brady’s “Losers Tantrums” at my house.

Meh, I hear ya, but he’s a young person. Comparing him in terms of comportment to a veteran in the job (and in the job of being an adult), as folks have been doing, is maybe a bit unfair. He will learn. He was pissed, mostly at himself I would assume. it happens. His first post loss interview of the season was great

Wait what? So even though we can watch all those black men play football as our entertainment we can’t watch a black woman speak to their culture and struggle through music? Fuck that noise. Football isn’t only for white people, FOX.

He hadn't had the doughnuts yet.

The key is to smash them into a mega doughnut. Don't ask me how I know.

It’s a two mile run to the doughnut shop, 12 doughnuts while stopped, and a two mile run back to point “a” within an hour and without puking. (Unless it's changed)

It began as a college student dare and they next year more ppl showed up and they realized they could make money off dumb people for charity, basically.

It might have changed, but when it first began (as a dare among some of my brothers college rowing teammates and fellow college douchebros) it was to run from the ncsu bell tower to the Krispykreme on person street , eat the dozen all at once, and run back to the bell tower again all within an hour without puking. If

I think they do that in TX!

*sarcasm confirmed* yesyesyes. I never had the stomach to read the Tennessee mom letter!

This is sarcastic right? (Pleassssee be sarcastic)

Well, and the original commenter never brought hip hop into it either, the pile on did. It was about fad dances with specific moves choreographed for the masses. Their first comparative example was the sprinkler for gosh sakes.

The Macarena is an example of another annoying uberfad dance trend. I’m not sure the genre has anything to do with how annoying they all manage to be.

Ok to be fair—- we live in a social media hellscape. Escaping the current fad in ANYthing is damn near impossible and it gets on my nerves too.