
Sigh. Me afraid me have to agree. And me loved Zack’s reviews of earlier Trek series — they one of favorite things AVC ever did. But me very frustrated with Star Trek fans who not willing to let new show be new show and not retread of everything that came before.


I get why people are frustrated with the show, and your review touches on some of what I consider to be the strengths and weaknesses here, but when a reviewer comes right out and says they cannot review a show on its own merits, I am forced to wonder if they’re the right person for the task.

I have a lot of respect for

Not much as far as plot in the greater story happens, but this episode was an examination of the characters, and I’m not sure I like what it does to Sarek.

He’s not writing these last two books. Never.

Indeed dude, I’m done with that series to. I’ll watch the show and see what happens as the ending but beyond that I’m done waiting decades to finish a series.

honestly, at this point IDGAF. The show has been really good, and already passed the books. the show will be done before the next book comes out.

Does he know that the process isn’t “done!” followed by “publisher sends it to stores the next week”? It generally takes like a year for a book to hit the editor’s desk, have all the internal publishing stuff done, the marketing, selling to bookstores etc... I mean, like sure they would speed that up to aim for

Well at least the name’s appropriate as it’s release date is a dream.

Jeez, JJ Abrams got his hands on this reboot too?!