
I'd probably drown or suffocate while looking for the hinges on my car windows.

Uninterruptible Power Supply - basically a battery backup for your computer or electronics systems that keeps them running if the power goes off or protects them from power fluctuations.

All good stories, I agree. There are some that could be included that weren't, but they are minimally associated with tech gadgets.

I'd sort of prefer stairs without railings when I'm moving furniture upstairs. Take a look at that picture - way easier to move a bed or dresser without the railings and handrails in place.

More protein too.

Actually I prefer the coffee people. Less burnt flavor, and less whining when you're done.

"Have you had coffee in France? It's terrible.". Really?

Everyone says it's great for travel, but it has one serious shortcoming - it's a 110v only device. The monster, along with an outlet adapter, works better for me. Toss in a couple of small USB chargers (ipad & iphone) and USB charge cables and you're ready for a round the world trip.

Once I figure out what that means I'll come up with a crushing reply.

Yes, you would expect that. In fact, that is the preferred method of shooting a cannon ball against "soft" targets, such as enemy infantry. A glancing shot, or more specifically a shot aimed to skip off of the ground and into your enemy was a potentially more damaging shot as the ball would bounce in a somewhat crazy

This is sort of old news. Back around 2003-2004, when we were deploying WiFi in a large chain of shopping towns, this kind of product was already available, and in fact we deployed one of them (though that mall was not in the US).

Shit connection? You must be in Dubai...

Not sure how accurate this is. One of the facilities near me (Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station) is still supposed to have nukes stored there. One of the reasons they still have Marines as guards.

When I was a kid, I'd kill them camping with a rubber band too. But different technique. I'd snip a rubber band so that it was just a long rubber strip, then get as close as you can (most of the fun), stretch it out, get one hand close to the fly and aim it, then let go with the other hand - usually not releasing the

Don't equate big buildings with planning. For that matter, don't equate having a huge bridge built before the road, or even a giant road already built and not in use with planning either. The infrastructure in Dubai, while starting to improve a bit, is non-existent with regards to basics like power, sewage and trash.

Well, having worked on the tech for a massive complex in Dubai (that was cancelled without payments - thanks global economic crash), I can add a few things to this discussion:

And the question on everyones mind: Will it blend?

Pulse is available on Windows Mobile now too - it was an App of the Week from gizmodo this week. You guys should talk to each other once in a while.

Everything from the box that doesn't get used in the installation or operation goes into a ziploc storage bag - everything including manuals, warranty info, receipt, extra cables, etc - and that is labeled and dropped into a large bin in the garage. Keeps everything together, it's easy to find if needed and it's all

Remember, Google isn't a search company. They are an advertising company. They can say they are a search company all they want, but if asked where they get their revenue from, it's all advertising. Which means they are an advertising company.