
The party of small government is at it again.

Nothing to go off of. I guess we just expect some apologies for when Hillary having mothers of gun shot victims campaign with her and was accused of pandering. Obv each of these people can support whatever candidate they want, but I remember Hillary being called a shrillary when she surrounded herself with black women

What a weird comment.

You know what, I thought about it, and though I came into this figuring I’d be all “BUT WAIT” I actually agree with the entirety of this list. Scientific indeed.

I was molested as a child for years, and raped as an adult. With one exception, I was called a liar, dismissed, accused of enjoying the abuse, or had what I told them used to hurt me.

I had a sexual assault incident when I was a teenager. I was on vacation with my family in Florida. I walked on a beach at night eating a candy bar. I was 15 looking for a party I was invited to earlier that day while sitting on the beach. No one was on the beach except a man was sitting at the edge of the water. He

Silk smoking/jogging suit! Would wear ironically. Love the “You’ve come a long way, baby!” patch.

This is our Paco. This is his face when he realizes he’s being called for a bath. Pardon the size and my father’s addiction to applying a frame filter to all his photos.

Our dog is not anywhere as cool, but we like him. Here he is in his natural habitat, having become exhausted by his ongoing battle with Lambies and a 14-squeaker toy. It’s like he’s had a doggie/toy overdose.

Beastie is glad she is a mutt and doesn’t have to run around a ring with weirdos.

We woke up my GSP pit mix to give her treats! (This pic is from forever ago but she was v excited)

Imma let you finish... but this is the cutest dog of all time!

My dachshund Waffles went full Luftwaffles over that German shorthair. I’m nervous.

Adorbs. Except:

My GSP niece says, “Derp.”

Error. My family dog is hottest and best in show at sitting on couches.

If anorgasmic men were out there in the numbers that anorgasmic women are, then yeah, I think there would be a market and a purpose for that.

Yo Hank, lemme borrow your cat. My body is in open rebellion and I need something soft to snuggle.

The problem is that “due process” means something specific (and can’t just be a ‘shortcut’ for whatever you want it to mean if you expect people to understand your meaning), and that thing isn’t implicated in this situation, so he’s wrong and so are you.