
Right? I would absolutely *not* buy new fur, but I worked at a vintage clothing store for many years, and I have no issue with wearing older furs (although it did definitely make me sad to see some of those pieces, especially fox fur or any kind of cat fur). I mean the animals would be dead by now anyway, and I feel


including running away with a world-famous bullfighter

Decent rhythm, good lyrics (especially when the cat tries to escape via hat), likes cats, named his Ravioli (and Ravioli’s meows were even with the rhythm)...

OMG! WHO IS THAT????? At first I was wondering if my computer was on the fritz because clearly the video was chopped in half. Then I realized that he was actually IN the tub with the cat as he was giving RAVIOLI (how amazing is that name???) a bath! Then I was fearing for his life or at least his penis but then he

Totally agree on your first point, but can’t focus on that because... oh my god, that guy is adorable, but completely crazy!!! Holy shit, he was tempting death by a million scratches that whole video! It’s one thing to bathe your cat. It’s another thing to sit in a tub with it in your lap with no clothes or protection

I’m 9 mos pregnant and I’ve gone to most of my appts alone, because my husband has to work, and now I’m surprised that no one has asked about safety and DV. I might actually raise the issue at my clinic.

My dr makes my husband wait in the lobby for the start of the appointment and gives me a little check off card with questions about abusive and threatening behavior, and if I feel safe. Every single time. If ever I needed it, I absolutely know that making an appointment would be a safe haven, which is great even

I’m surprised by all the negativity - hair stylists were involved in the creation of this law, and support it. Also, there is no requirement to report, no requirement to act, no requirement to ask - it just gives training because hair stylists may well be on the front line of hearing about abuse. Women do not always

My local head of police (non-US) had an anger fit some months ago when none of the new applicants passed the aptitude test. Hint: the main problem wasn’t the fitness test

I’m having difficulty understanding Margaret Cho’s perspective here. It sounds like Tilda was up front about the issues, expressed her desire to do something about it and sought advice from someone who is in a good position to provide it. And Cho’s responses were thoughtful and measured as well. Not sure what got lost

I can’t even imagine how embarrassing this was for her. I fainted at work once in front of 2 people and I couldn’t look anyone in the face for a week. She fainted in front of the president and held up his final press conference — I would never recover.

Her illness was caused by a sudden flash-forward to what she can look forward seeing at work in two months.

I prefer to think of all those people as sexless Kens and Barbies. That who may be getting married, but in my head, he’s still smooth down there.

At minimum, he has the five penthouse condos in LA, a mansion in France that’s supposedly closer to a village with multiple houses, and an island. So that’s three right there. I’m going to guess he also has a yacht, a private plane, and a small fleet of cars. And that’s without even getting into the scarf collection,

Beyonce uses Uber?

I’m not particularly pleased with police these days and I’m certainly not pro-Trump but... I’m not sure your number is accurate there. Call it a hunch.

I wish I could do an extra star for Roswell.

I can’t bring myself to link to it here but Breitbart is very excited today, as are thousands of their commenters, because Glorious Leader is going to start saying “Merry Christmas” (apparently this was banned under Obama.) This is headline news, folks, and the liberal media is ignoring it.

Not to come in and promote another publication, but AJ+ did a really chilling short documentary about the vigilantes that go out and do killings. A lot of the people being killed are meth users shot in cold blood on the street. The killers are getting paid an average of $300 a kill, and they were quite confident the