
This is an absolutely fantastic response from the developers, and it’s great that they already had a framework in place that they could simply improve upon to combat the issue. It’s specifically great that they went beyond just extending the shield and, essentially, provided a kick player function as well - It

I’m not usually one to say this, but:

Please tell me they use that photo for their announcements and stuff. With no explanation. Just that photo.

I hope she takes Awesome’s last name

Aww she’s adorable and perfect. And no offense to the wonderful Meagan Follows, but this girl actually looks age appropriate for the role of Anne

I think these are my favorites because she looks so comfortable in them. It’s hard to have great posture, one that flatters the dress, without looking a little stiff. Plus, she’s really fucking fit.

Alright, I don’t love monarchies, but I say we turn the First Lady position into one and let Michelle have it until she wants to hand it over to Sasha or Malia.

I find this hilarious. All the controversy and Dylan gives no fucks.

IMO, people (myself included) are not happy because:

Now playing

“You see why I have Richard on my team, because he ends his punchlines with ‘naval policy’”

If you get a chance, Richard Ayoade (especially with Noel Fielding) is hilarious on UK quiz shows, and he’s done a few travelogues and gadgetry series. I can’t get enough of his wit and demeanor, and like me he’s half-Norwegian.

It can and should be rehabilitative.

It would be nice if “safety” didn’t just mean “not dead”

Nothing is wrong with marrying a younger man. Funny story, though. My late aunt was 6 years older than her husband and lied about it for many years. When it came time to go and apply for her old age pension, she was being evasive and wouldn’t tell him precisely why she needed a ride to go to the mall (where the

So....you get solitary confinement for attempting suicide? Fucking fuck, America.

Someone once told me about a chemical which will turn your urine blue. I planned to put it into a batch of beer but never got around to it, and now I am no longer in touch with her so can’t ask what it was.

Boo Berry is the best.

“The stool had no abnormal odor, but looked like strawberry ice cream...”

Do you guys remember that TV show where different families had to live in New England as if it were the 17th C and NO ONE cut down anywhere close to enough wood for the winter?