A Bear in a Hot Tub

No offense to you fine people, but that linked 2012 story makes me nostalgic for the commentariat of old.

The self-proclaimed “Manalyst”? There’s no way anyone could have seen this coming.

Justin and Corey. Two very good dogs.

The real comparison would be Carter’s salary 25 years ago inflation-adjusted. Same job, same magazine, same company with similar work experience at the job. Comparing her salary to Carter’s salary in 2017 is like comparing a rookie coach salary to that of an experienced multiple championship winning veteran coach in

I think comparing her salary to Graydon’s is a little absurd for the reasons you list in your last graph, and more. I think the better comparison is: How does her salary compare to other EICs at major mags with a similar amount of experience? Say, Michelle Lee at Allure? Or a comparable guy in that position (sorry, I

My apology goes to the horse’s connections, my fellow jockeys, Thoroughbred Racing SA, the racing public and to the wider community in general.

Should’ve been you, Curt Schilling.

“Look at the almost look of shock in the eyes of Flacco.”

And, in taking a page from several small(er) market teams that also play in leagues involving revenue sharing, many of the smaller parks will end up merely pocketing the extra revenue, instead of spending it on improving the roster of mountains, trees, geysers and trails and all that other nature shit.

Slightly toasted Pat McAfee kicking analysis is maybe the greatest thing in the world. If you don’t make that a weekly feature, you’re fucking bonkers.

stayin aliiiiiiiiiiive


the point is, this is 35-year-old Ivanka talking about 14-year-old Ivanka, and obviously lying. The point is, 35-year-old Ivanka lies.

I would have thought the article made no sense. I mean Obama’s oldest daughter wasn’t even born yet when Cobain died. Now we are supposed to believe a baby dyed her hair blue? The whole story would fall apart.

In-N-Out is, indeed, fine.

In’n’Out is good, but it’s one of those things where the hype is so outsized the actual food just can’t live up to it. It’s a good cheeseburger, but there’s a certain ceiling to how good a cheeseburger can be, and people compete to shower theirs with praise. Can’t live up to it.

Of course, Laura accomplished her secret goal of giving Hannah milk farts.

He looks like an off-brand Nick Denton, TBH.

Beep, borp, hello fellow hooman.