
What a loser

Are bisexuals seflish lovers? i know its a ignorant question, but who cares.

Umm, i wouldnt want to watch this for free.

Don't cancel hannible and Constantine

PB leaves me cold for some reason,

Keep Finn and PB strictly bros. I want Finn and FP to get back together actually

I saw the movie and it's food, but I understand why they would be so butt hurt

Why even make this?

Nah, my creative writing teacher was a huge fan.

I saw the 00's..Maybe I'm just getting old,but music now sucks.

Tell him to read her story instead bc this movie looks like hollywood, Oscar bait cheese

I read her work whem I was in college.

If you can guide me to the General direction then I will dig because all the music right now is straight up trash stash.

I'm with you on that boat, brother. My biggest concern is will smith actually. There will never be an other great joker, but why will smith? He's way past his prime and he's son is so terrible.


Jared Leto is the new joker… That aattractive motherfudger better not fudge it up

It was a pretty weak year for music. Sorry, I mean decade.

Im a wait until its on youtube or tore*t

I liked the movie but it was great. It felt like a 2 hour set up for the next movie.

Love them