
Shorter seasons is where it's at.

I think he might have money.

"I want to grow up and be like Nick Cannon" said no one ever.

This show will be 80 times BETTER on cable TV.

Talk about the biggest shoes in his CAREER

I like this show

This episode is kinda creepy

That's a bummer, but ive hope for this show. Maybe this is a bump on the road.

I thought this episode was pretty solid

They effin deserve it

I thought BMO felt sorry that he killed jack.


I want to say im surpirsed…. But I was more shocked that lorde is actually 43 and a man

Hmm, this show can be so much more… Maybe if they moved it the cable TV…

I have such a huge crush on her

And it's canceled

well, go get smash as well

I got the demo last week

I have a strong opinion on kick starters. They arent all bad, but I feel if a rick person ask us, the fans, for our hard owned money, it's not cool.

I never had it, but they look gross