
And see, that’s David Oyelowo. He just played MLK in Selma, and has been very outspoken of representation. He's far from a token, so I’m doubly befuddled as to why he even thought this a good idea.

Let’s make this movie the clusterfuck it is destined to be. Joseph as Michael Jackson, Angela as Elizabeth Taylor and Fat Joe as Marlon Brando. I’m just riffing here but there’s so much potential to make this movie even more of a hot flaming mess.

If that’s the case, they should hire Rachel Dolezal as a consultant.

“Draw me like one of your fuckin’ French girls, yeah?”

Fuck the Dallas Cowboys as an organization, team and as a motherfucking crew and if you want to be down with the Cowboys, then fuck you too.


motorized wheelchairs are generally a: Easier to control, b: slower, and c: exist for a valid reason.