
They go quite a few steps further... I was just reading a case study on their Hurricane Response. I mean, I’ve seen it in a WH and it’s super impressive. Guys from upper management are running the place in what can best be described as a military operation. You go in, your order is taken quickly, food cooked and

Oh you should. You’ve never had hashbrowns until you’ve had theirs. Especially when smothered and covered (diced onions and covered in cheese).

It’s a good One (and One I used to play a lot when I was younger when that album came out) but Creed will never be better than Metallica.

Fuck you, that mahogany smell is coming from a Yankee Candle and you know it.

So, they’re sentient cats.

“We’re more than just a colony, you see,” says a character named Erin Grey in one of the voice logs.

Erin Grey, huh?

It’s problematic to have your employees clapping while you say you accept accountability.

He wasn’t apologizing to us. Definitely not to Blitzchung. He was apologizing to investors for not being able to figure out how to keep the whole thing quiet without upsetting China.

He’s wearing a LGBT pin, will he get a 6 month suspension for using his platform to push politics?

Blitzchung did nothing wrong.

Translation: “We’ve realized that the western market share is more valuable than the Chinese market, so we’re kinda sorry I guess.”

As someone who’s family was disappeared from the face of the earth by communist regime, I do not accept it. Blizzard enforced the will of a communist power that routinely makes citizens vanish from the face of the earth every day without anything resembling due process / justice / a fair trial. Doing business is one

Nothing says “apology” like pausing for applause.

Are the commentators still being punished for being bystanders?

SMU was also very convenient for the NCAA because it allowed them to drop the death penalty hammer on a successful program, but not that was one of the traditional blue bloods or real big money makers.

Oh, sorry about that. I’ll turn my mic down.

“That’s a thing our kids do on the regular basis, you know, they try to change jersey numbers and sometimes don’t let us know,” said Gregory.

I know no one will ever see this as I’m a lowly grey commenter, but can you guys quit with the auto-play videos. I keep thinking the voices in my head are back.

Sometimes when you try to cover something up you have to look incompetent to avoid looking guilty.