
Actually it is clearer because following up Max Powers..... she thinks.... tells me that Max is a woman.

Someone cross-post this to Jezebel where they seem to believe that women never, ever, ever do this.

Omg 20 pieces for $3.29!

I’ve made this argument on Jez to much (obvious) contention but really, I just don’t think comedy is for progressives. Modern progressives are too sensitive and go into viewing entertainment with a list of boxes to check for groups and subgroups and sub-subgroups that shouldn’t be “offended.”

How mature and brave of you. Does your arm get tired from patting yourself on the back for such heroism? I deplore the president but his saying “give him a chance” is not an admission of support. By no means deplorable enough to never listen to a historically great comic again.

Out goes Firefly and X-Files, in comes Bill Nye and Dear White People? Maybe its time to start saving $10 a month?

Better to wear red than orange.

Now, now, Lifehacker is more or less a SJW safe haven, no one would force anyone to do anything they didn’t want, they just guilt him into writing it.

omg can you imagine if there’s another cold war and they blame a Jalopnik sub-blog for it

That’s true. If it’s not taught by a school, it can’t be taught by anyone else. Especially not parents. Nope. Everything must be learned in an institution.

Yes dog forbid a comedian host use levity to defuse a situation.

Whatever happened to “innocent until proven guilty?” I guess every accusation is legitimate here on Jez...as long as it’s a woman accusing a man. Michelle Williams is treated as a god on this site. She was fine working with Affleck. Is it possible that she knows something you don’t? Manchester by the Sea was

Let the memes begin!

“Who’s the bitch now?”


Being able to separate the man from the performance, he did a really good job in the role and was deserving of the award.

He was talking about “learning” from Denzel via watching his performances and he met him for the first time tonight.

In those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. “Gimme five bees for a quarter,” you’d say.

I'll read it again on my daily monorail route tomorrow.