
Yea, but Ebola can cause hemorrhagic decor which hits a lot of hygiene taboos that activate people’s basic fear responses. The common cold, not so much.

I’d say the movies have “matured” over time. The earlier movies as I remember had a lot of subtle hints at things like sex, language, etc compared to what’s in the more recent movies. The stakes and themes have also gotten bigger/darker for the older characters, while still keeping the movies generally light/fun

I hear Kevin Costner is available as the lead.

It’s kind of like an onion...

“If I try to kill my boss during the purge but fail, can he fire me the next day, or are all purge acts not punishable in any way?

Can’t hire him, he’s a racist.

They also can’t kill off Harrison Ford’s Indiana Jones because he’s immortal (as per the rules of TLC).

It was good, the accepting bitcoin payment at the end was the icing on the cake though.

Is this supposed to be native advertising or is it just coincidence? I sure hope Apple paid you guys to run this “article”, but also that they didn’t pay too much because I didn’t find it very convincing.

My father didn’t vote for Arnold for anything that I know of. I’m not from California ;).

If you know the right people, sure.

The only thing I elected Arnold Schwarzenegger as is best action movie star.

Pelosi and Feinstein also aren’t state legislators. Just let him go, he’s in his own world.

Fascia is connective tissue, this is what occupies space between and/or around organs and connective tissue. It’s also not new, from what I can tell this paper just found a different way of looking at something we already knew about and now because someone said something stupid (called it a new organ) it is getting

If Hayden Christiansen had appeared on the screen as Anakin I’d have walked out of the movie. I still hate that Lucas scrubbed out Shaw after the prequels came out. Disney is right to stay well clear of that controversy.

I’d say that money was wasted on Gizmodo editors, but they clearly haven’t had one in ages.

Except that they still can’t get any information on you that you didn’t make available even if you’re on someone’s contact list. And they’re not recording your calls, that’s an unsubstantiated claim with no evidence to back it up. As for SMS data, again it only takes what you give permission to take. Don’t want to

Actually five times for myself and once more for a dead relative.

Sorry I have a life outside of Gizmodo posting. Enjoy being bitter, hope your life gets better for the rest of our sakes.

If that’s what you signed over in the terms then sure. No one is forcing you to use FB. If you don’t like it, don’t create a profile. If you do create a profile, read the terms that you’re accepting. Seems pretty simple to me.