
You do realize that the democrats are not in a position of power, right? They’re well outnumbered in the House and will have limited power in the Senate. It’s really hard to obstruct when you’re the minority party in BOTH the House and Senate and don’t control the White House.


I have great memories of the prequels. I’ve also seen them again since I’ve grown up. The first one is unwatchable as an adult. The second is a bad movie, but it has some good moments. The third is better than the second, but still not what I’d consider a good movie.

He’s one of the best rich people simply through his work with the Gates Foundation.

Hey now, the yes men really liked all the added garbage!

Hey now, the yes men really liked all the added garbage!

New box set every year. Lucas (and Disney for that matter) did t get rich by not monetizing his shit.

New box set every year. Lucas (and Disney for that matter) did t get rich by not monetizing his shit.

I think it’s about an hour and a half with a decent connection.

I think it’s about an hour and a half with a decent connection.

You don’t pay money for the good copies, you find them online and then you never let go.

You don’t pay money for the good copies, you find them online and then you never let go.

As someone of Irish heritage I find this comment completely offensive!

The next coach is going to have all the excuses in the world for early troubles, new coaches always do. The thing is the AD has been pissing people off with the whole Les Miles situation all of last year and this year. Now he’s fucking up future revenue and schedules for no apparent gain (other than making Florida

They get paid a bunch of money and get a week off.

If that’s the case the LSU AD really is an idiot as he agreed to play in Florida next year (when it should be a LSU home game) and the following year to keep things on their “regular” schedule 2 years from now. So he’s maybe getting more money this year for a significant loss in money and home field advantage next

They could have inserted a laugh track...

Carol never did and from what I remember things worked out OK for her...

ExFL has a better ring to it.

Americans were just pissed that they weren't the focus of world attention for a few days.

It’s obviously for the lulz.

Generally when extorting people you don’t want them to be high profile athletes returning home after representing the nation with the largest military in the world and huge economic power. You generally want to go after people with money, but little recourse. Even corrupt Brazilian officials should know that.

“Being abnormally tall is a genetic anomaly but we don’t have separate leagues for tall and short people.”

I think the general rule is until they start tasing or clubbing you or until they pull a gun out.