
First gear: I have been thinking about a similar thing in the US for a long time. It really doesn’t make any sense that we clog up the major airports with hundreds of regional jets, which are feeding passengers from the small airports to the bigger ones. It seems that congestion could be decreased quite a bit by

My immediate reaction to the Nasir Ahmed was annoyance. It felt like five minutes of public service announcement that could have been used in furtherance of the main characters’ stories. Moreover, they used the classic “This is Us” story telling method of introducing characters at the beginning of the episode without

I don’t think we want sites like eBay making arbitrary decisions about what we can and cannot buy/sell due to scalping concerns. Honestly, the best solution is to be patient. Eventually, the PS5 will be widely available. If you didn’t snag one yet, wait until you can buy one directly from a retailer at MSRP. Leave the

Additional stray observations:

Me and a friend both learned how to ride in the late summer of 2001 in Connecticut. We were both so excited to ride, we just refused to stop during the eight months of winter. We had no idea what we were doing. We’d go out after work in the pitch black when it was 10 degrees outside. Neither one of us had proper

I guess I didn’t realize the car crash was in the promo for next week rather than the end of the episode. Sorry if that was a spoiler alert for anyone!

My own stray thoughts on the stray thoughts:

I agree that the Kate/Marc story arc has been short to reach the cathartic moment that was displayed on screen. However, I do think there is more to the story and, just like Kate hasn’t told Toby the whole story, the viewers haven’t seen the whole story yet either. I think that Kate will deal with her past with Marc

In the interest of balance, one of my law school professors wrote a series of articles about Steve Donziger and the various lawsuits against Chevron by Ecuador. It has been a long time since I’ve read his articles, but they contradict many of the assertions in this article. The bottom line is that Chevron isn’t quite

I am going to preface everything below by saying that I enjoyed Solo. However, I think part of the problem with the popularity of the movie (or lack thereof) is that the movie makes concrete decisions about aspects of the story that were previously left to fans’ imaginations. Even if the movie comes up with a cool

I am totally confused. I thought this game was going to have literally the entire world and all the airports in it.

I would argue against the speed limit being raised. Rather, get rid of speed limits altogether. Studies show that people tend to drive at speeds that feel comfortable for the environment. In many instances, people are going to drive at a speed that is prudent for the road. In areas in which (for whatever reason)

Teen Kate seems curiously chipper following the Marc fallout. I’m assuming something else is going on there.

The “go slow” mantra is not limited to off roading. A little over two years ago, I regretfully traded in my Infiniti G37S coupe with a 6 speed manual for a Toyota Tacoma Offroad because the kids didn’t fit in the back seat and we needed a more truck-like vehicle.

I was thinking that Beth’s lack of reaction to the realization that the robber was in their bedroom serves both a plot point and a narrative point. For the plot, Beth has been dealing with Randall’s anxiety throughout their entire relationship. She likely realizes that she has to be the strong, unflappable one in this

I am expecting one of two plot twists:

I have three to choose from:

Also, who’s living in the cabin?”

For what it’s worth, Kate was wearing her wedding ring in the flash forward scene.

I was very relieved that This Is Us didn’t follow the very tired storyline of the addict falling off the wagon with Kevin. I am not trying to be insensitive to the struggles that addicts go through; indeed, relapses are a very common occurrence. However, that storyline has been overdone on television. It was much more