
Um, source(s)? Granted there are people that carry guns that are looking for a fight, but the vast majority of people carrying recognize the serious responsibility of doing so and always look to de-escalate situations that may arise.

I have no problem if the NFL were to get rid of holding by offensive linemen. But to even things out, get rid of pass interference. It seems that most teams have at least a few long-pass plays in the book that aren’t designed to result in a catch, but rather to grab a cheap pass interference call. Receivers and

While I applaud the goal behind this law to get people out of the left lane, it seems fraught with problems. First, the law tacitly acknowledges that which we all know - speed limits are (mostly) bull shit. Yet this new law does nothing to address the unrealistically low speed limits on many roads. Second, the law

If I was that cop, I would have “accidentally” dated the ticket for 1955 or 1985.

The VW Beetle in the foreground got me thinking - what if a tornado tore through one of those lots where VW is storing all the returned diesels? Does VW have insurance on all of those cars?

I am livid that Niskannen isn’t getting further discipline. I think Ovechkin deserves a suspension as well. How many times does that dirty asshole get to slash and slewfoot players without getting called for it? If I’m Coach Sullivan, I’m bringing Tom Sesstito back to the line up, giving him a sledgehammer in place

To correct one thing, this is not a granted patent. Rather, this is a patent application that recently published. According to the USPTO website, the application has not been examined yet.

Your statistics are flawed. Let’s assume for a moment that the 211 justifiable homicides is correct. That means there were 211 instances in which a person justifiably fired a gun in self defense and killed an attacker . This number does not count the number of times a person justifiably fired a gun in self defense


I’m not convinced. There are three types of (possible) viewers: those who almost always watch; those who only watch the big races; and those who haven’t watched but would continue to watch once exposed to it. The timing of the big races have no impact on the first two groups. Someone who has never watched is most

In high school, I had a Renault Alliance GT convertible. That car was surprisingly fun to drive, but the problems. Biggest problem was the timing belt snapping well before any sane person would expect a timing belt to break. By the time we got rid of it, the top was more duct tape than anything else. Highway

I hear what you’re saying, but this means we get Episode IX seven months earlier.

The CEO’s #1 argument probably isn’t the best to lead with - he makes it sound like his product is really susceptible to food poisoning.

I agree it would be a lot of Apaches and Warthogs shot down, but the resulting loss of life would be less than if the NK artillery could shoot at Seoul and other SK cities with impunity.

Much. Thank you.

I really don’t want to go to war with NK, but the regime is getting more dangerous by the day. It seems the only thing that sanctions do is make them more desperate to develop their nuclear arsenal. How long before they are so desparate that they at least try to sell a nuclear bomb to a terrorist group or another

Most trailers have some misdirection. Perhaps Luke’s line has a dramatic pause we’re not seeing the other side of - “It’s time for the Jedi to end . . . . . . . . . . . . . Snoke and my punk-ass nephew!”

I hope you’re right, because I don’t have one (not for lack of looking) and I want one. If they aren’t bringing out a better model (more games and updateable), then this move make no sense. Why would they purposely leave revenue on the table, reducing whatever return on their development expenses there were?

Sorry, but you have it entirely backwards. No pro-gun person is promising to “pull out their glock” to charge into battle if someone goes on a shooting spree. Those of us who legally carry guns do so as a last resort to protect ourselves and our families. If someone starts shooting, our first instinct is to run

I am from Pittsburgh, a huge Pens fan and therefore a huge Crosby fan. That being said, the dick shot was dirty. Now THAT being said, I can’t help laughing every time I see it.