
Exactly this. Data shows that concealed carry permit holders are more law abiding than most citizens. Everyone that I know who legally carries a concealed handgun is extremely aware of the enormous power and responsibility they wield. Almost all of them are going to do everything within their power to escape,

Re: No. 3 on your list, maybe I’m misremembering, but isn’t there an episode where one of the original five Voltron pilots basically gets cut in half, leading to Allura taking over his lion going forward? I have this vivid memory of the guy gets hit with a sword on the shoulder and the cut going almost down to his

Agreed. My wife and I love Big Bang Theory. For us, it’s much more about the interactions of the characters. I could watch a spin off of Sheldon and Penny interacting all day.

Let’s call it a gear cone from now on...

Here is the real reason this is terrible. The best use of autonomous cars will be sexy time for parents who can’t get five goddamn minutes to themselves because kids. In the age of fully autonomous cars and darkly-tinted windows, parents and kids will soon learn the new implications for “Mommy and Daddy are going

Bolt is a very good movie. But it will always have a special place in my heart because it was one of the first movies my twin kids fell in love with (when they were two and a half). I would ask them what they wanted to watch, and the answer was always “Bolt!....Dog!...” Fond memories...

I don’t disagree with your point that gun owners should have training but I do disagree with your point that such training should be mandated by government. Like it or not, the right to bear arms is enumerated the Bill of Rights, and the rights are not ranked in importance. With that in mind, a big part of the

I don’t think oil prices are going to increase appreciably any time soon. The problem for OPEC countries (and Russia) is that North American shale is a big player in the market now. If oil prices start to rise, then more domestic capacity comes online, which depresses prices again.

“Correct” air/fuel ratio was probably a poor word choice on my part. Desired would be a better choice. Regardless of what air/fuel ratio a gas turbine is trying to run, attempting to shove more air through the core will require more fuel to maintain that ratio.

Interesting video, but he says a couple of things that are incorrect or misleading. At 2:30 in the video, he says that for turbofan engines, the majority of thrust comes from the air going through the turbine. That may have been true with some of the earlier, low-bypass turbofans, but the fan by-pass provides most

Steelers fan here. I couldn’t be more thrilled with this. Yes, he is a show off and will probably get a couple of unsportsmanlike penalties for excessive celebration every year. But the talent is clearly there. From everything I’ve read, his cockiness is earned. He is one of the hardest workers in practice and

Congratulations on twins! It’s fun, but a handful!

No doubt the Camry is the right car for some people. But if you’re that person, then own it. I’m never giving recommendations that are too far off the reservation. If someone is looking at a Camry or an Accord, I’m not suggesting they cross shop an M4. I will, however, suggest that they look at cars like the Ford

When friends and family ask me for advice for what car they should buy. I give them several really good, interesting options. Then, they ignore those choices and end up buying a Camry.

As someone who loves aviation, I am sympathetic and wouldn’t mind living next door to this so long as the owner doesn’t mind me peeking in the windows at the cockpit almost daily. That being said, I do see the neighbors’ perspective as well. I don’t live too far away from a house that has all sorts of junked cars

The two that are missing in my book are:

When I see that picture at the top of the article, I either think Kellyanne is about to use dark side force lightning or she’s describing to someone how Turmp came toward her when they were alone in the Oval Office.

Shouldn’t a clean WRX be on this list?

There has to be a badly out-of-balance wheel as well.

. . . “why cars may employ firearms against one another: you can kill a car if you shoot the small human inside.”