
Half of these picks are straight-up crazy-talk. 

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It is indeed real. What makes it that much funnier is that the drive starts off quite well!

i was crying the first time i saw this - great recco


I honestly didn’t know Ford made a SHO of the jelly bean AND put a V8 in the stupid thing.  

Aww yeah! That was my first car. Definitely a 90s car!

Absolutely right. This car was everywhere in the 90s and effectively disappeared when they ended.

Seems Matthew missed the point entirely. I vote Taurus, too.

It’s annoying that the high end chargers for the Kia and hyundais are so few and far between currently. There’s an electrify america station by my house. It used to have a 350w charger there. but they removed it for some reason. It’s been going a few months now. I made note of it for if i switch to EV, i would be able

4) Far less complex drivetrain. As EVs age, they’re far less likely to suffer huge issues or maintenance tasks. No blown head gaskets, no timing belt changes, etc. etc. Other than some slightly diminished battery capacity, EVs age a lot more gracefully.

Agreed. Had a Ford Focus EV. No service for three years, until it began to stop at random moments. Car was out for three weeks for service (one dealer couldn’t find anything wrong, second one figured out it needed a new battery, which wasn’t readily available).

We own two EVs and a PHEV. I got the first EV (an eGolf) in 2017, and the second (a Model 3) in 2021. In that time, I’ve had two total service appointments. The eGolf needed a warranty repair on a bad satellite radio antenna, and I had a HomeLink transponder installed on the Model 3. Other than the first episode,

Absolutely. I’ve personally never had to wait at a Supercharger though I was the last one to fill a slot one time. Usually I do see the 2-3 used out of 8-12 stalls. Even on Thanksgiving, which surprised me.

I’ve seen pictures of the Kettleman City CA supercharger, which only has 40 chargers, but looks so cool.

There is something to be said about the ubiquity of Tesla’s supercharger set up. I see them in far more locations than the Electrify America chargers and I haven’t heard of any issues with a supercharger frying a Tesla. I am by no means a Tesla supporter but credit where credit is due when it comes to building up a

That Turbo 4 with a 300+HP electric motor and a 50+kWh battery would be all you need for a monster that could tow a massive trailer across a country nice and efficiently. Make sure it can run as a plug in hybrid, run the motor like a chevy volt where most of the time it is just a steady state generator, but it can

Would be fun to see this list with manufactures who have a similar ATP to Tesla or to see this list excluding the vehicles that fall below the ATP of Tesla. Just to account for how many carollas did Toyota sell at $500 gp compared to every Tundra at $10000 gp.

This is the only correct take, one guy thinks they should stop making cars and only supply batteries while they are printing money.   Are the designs stale?  who cares plenty of people are happy to drive an appliance.

Burrito vs. Taco. Classic.