
“And while ass-covering corporate disclaimers are a standard part of any company’s public announcements, when it comes to Tesla and its extremely loose relationship with its own deadlines, a statement this thorough carries extra meaning.”

The recently-fired teenager has already been invited to be the keynote speaker at this year’s CPAC.

The 2022 Elantra front end was a damn-sight better than the 2020 Sonata’s sad-fish front.

Doug is unwatchable. 

As amazing as I thought that would be after hearing the first video, it simply sounds like the Tesla has some major mechanical problem happening in the second video.

I laughed entirely too hard at this comment...

Not to mention more sturdy. the CCS shells are all plastic with plastic clips that break so easily and effectively make a charger unusable. it’s amazing how poor the design is.

Yeah, it’s not really a major issue and I’ve used it multiple times to go on 2,000 mile trips to my parents (1,000 miles each way). It’s more along the lines that you have to do things a certain way when sometimes you’d like the flexibility to do something different. For example, I’ve done that trip to my parents so

I wonder if there are any pricing concessions for opening up these chargers. I could see a world where Tesla chargers open up, but charge far more for a non-Tesla to connect.

By contrast, all American pickups: “I am Putin. The left lane is Crimea.”

There’s a company called Recurrent that is offering free battery health reports to EV owners. You give them access to your charge history and battery management history and they send you a report each month comparing your battery to other similar cars. They are gathering data and I believe they are trying to become

Would you deceive it as a quirk? (I HATE that he uses quirk and quirky in every other sentence).

“Hi Ho Demuro the frog here. Today we're going to learn about the letter C"

I heard it and didn’t have a name for it but now that you mention it, all he’s missing is the weird laugh.


Uh, what? This smells like bullshit to me.

My Chevy Bolt uses about 29Kwh to drive 100 miles.
I pay .25 per Kw to charge at home. That’s $7.25 for 100 miles.

My gas car gets about 22 mpg combined, for 100 miles that’s 4.5 gallons @ $4/gal = $18 in regular gas for 100 miles.

Pretty myopic view they have.

My first thought:
It’s not your car. Don’t touch it.

On second thought:
You know what? fuck those pretentious bastards if they actually do this. 

Let’s face is: anyone who’s interested in saving the planet isn’t buying a Corvette, hybrid or otherwise. This “hybrid” system is really just a way for Chevrolet to take advantage of the insane torque characteristics of electric motors to make the Corvette even faster than it would have been if it had been only

I just don’t think a noise coming out of a speaker will elicit the same response as an actual mechanical machine exploding gasoline and moving pistons.  I think having a speaker simulating exhaust would cheapen the whole experience.