DeMuro sounds like a Sesame Street muppet. Once you hear it, you can’t unhear it. You’re welcome.
DeMuro sounds like a Sesame Street muppet. Once you hear it, you can’t unhear it. You’re welcome.
Iowa on the other hand gives you a discount for every megawatt you use, so it goes down from .12-.13 to .10 and then .08/kwh.
My electricity is .12/kw (well, I have solar, but thats the muggle rate). I find that on average (with DCFC) gas is 3x more expensive than my Bolt, and thats not considering maintenance. I’ve done absolutely nothing maintenance-wise in the last 7 years of EV ownership (between my Bolt and i3).
As an owner and longtime believer that *this* particular Sahara has the best interior/exterior color combo of any Wrangler (those seats are hands down the best), I’m going to say hard pass. There isn’t a single YJ on the planet I’d rather have than a used JL/JK for the same money. Most I’d be willing to spend would be…
For much of the same reasons I enjoyed listening to Click and Clack, your explanation is very satisfying. One of these car sites needs to hire you to explain actual science to idiots like me, related to the automotive industry. Well done, thanks.
Wow, very thorough explanation, thanks. Here’s another element (pun intended) to consider: The Bolt’s resistive heater cycles on/off, while still heating the air for 4-5 min after its off. It turns back on just at the moment where it wont require an additional 3-4 min to heat up, but only 20 seconds. The effect is…
Please tell me I’m reading this wrong and the “DC level” refers to just power output and not also DC fast charging speeds. The charge speed better not be linked to horsepower, that would be stupid.
You’re on to something. I’ve owned an i3 with a heat pump, and I wasn’t getting crazy good range as a result, compared to my current Bolt.
Varying levels of success, depending on the power of your blower and the amount of snow. A upstate NY dump will require far more than a blower.
I’m almost as weirded out as I am confused, its a close race.
I was just addressing the supply chain comment. Just to put your comment into context, even with the pollution caused from mining, EVs are still cleaner than ICE, even if the electricity comes from 100% coal, once you factor the lifespan of the vehicle. Oil doesn’t just bubble up to the surface and refine itself.
There’s no shortage of “rare earth metals”. Its a misnomer. These metals are, however, expensive to get out of the earth in this country, but cheaper in other countries. We have plenty of metal in the US, just no will to get it from the ground in a sustainable, practical, economical, and humane way.
All 944s should be red, fight me.
Ahh, late night reading, thanks. Still, L2 is good for home, work, and hotels. Not much use for 45 min trips to the park.
Ahh, late night reading, thanks. Still, L2 is good for home, work, and hotels. Not much use for 45 min trips to the park.
What an absolute waste of time/money/effort. No one wants to sit at a dealership more than 30 min to charge. Instead of 40k L2 stations, they should have just installed 5k DCFC.
A downtown business in Steamboat Springs, Co., issues parking tickets in their private lot. Not sure of the legality, but but it looked like a city issued ticket, with a fine (~$75) and payment info. My sister, who’s a local, just balled it up and threw it away.
Tesla isn’t going anywhere, at best you could say that their sales are down. Their stock prices are down as well, but that doesn’t equal going belly up. They’re still profiting 100% increases quarter by quarter, just not seeing the crazy 600-700% increases from previous quarters. They’re still making 2-3 billion/quarte…