
Is that the same glass Getrag 5 speed CVT from the Mini Cooper R50?

Meh, you have your opinions and I have mine. I could possibly take back Jeep (Cherokee) because everyone doing the split headlight thing.

The bimmer is terrible, but Lawrence is still wrong.

You picked the one car worse than the new 7 series. This is a bad take, that thing looks like a cross between Rolls, Lincoln, Jeep Cherokee, and Maybach, but in the worst possible way. I see nothing original or desirable.

You beat me to it, lol! Brain connections are weird.

Remember when we all hated Bush Jr. and Bangle? .. but now they dont seem so bad?

They say your audio sensitivity increase when you’re blind, which is the target audience for the new design.

I dont think this take is going to age well.

Thats when you give the glass the good ol’ Fonzie fist tap, to break the ice. What’s Fonzie like? Come on Yolanda what’s Fonzie like? He’s cool. Correctamundo.

Round sealed beam headlights and bumpers that bump, lol. I’m old enough to remember everyone complaining about the lack of design choice due to federally mandated 7" round headlights and the burdensome safety gear that uglied up otherwise beautiful design.

Had to switch off ad blocker to confirm.. Yup. Ok, that was a fun experiment.

I thought Ford saw the writing on the wall ahead of the recession and borrowed as much as they could before the shit hit the fan.. but this is me remembering a NYT article from a decade ago.

We can put a man on the moon, carbon date fossils, and decode the human genome, but comments will never be.. oh farts.

This is how you know they’re grasping at straws. FWD? Seriously?

To be fair, you’re just adding the trim and a drive train option. Alphanums have been a staple of trims forever, and AWD is just a throwaway.

My 06 Hyundai Tucson 4 cylinder 4x4 only came in a manual, and the RPMs would get hung up between fast shifts, leading to over-revving/dragging the clutch. It was vague, gutless, and slow to engage. Still more fun than the 5 speed auto offered w/ the V6 at the time, and I’ll take it over any CVT. Once you learned the

Now this comment confuses me more than the 1st. If I’m too tall, my legs are pinned under my chin, not fully extended laying down.

That was my entire question. I’m 6' 195 lbs, and every Miata fits like it was built for me but with a few inches to spare in every direction. Same with my Jeep CJ5, but folks always complain about the size. I always chalked it up to the gut interfering with the steering wheel. Legroom wasn’t spectacular, but you