
My point exactly, buying a new car isn’t the best way to get a deal.

Sure, but is he wrong?

Ha! If they knew how to get a good deal, they wouldn’t be buying from a dealer in the first place. Private party or nothing.

I’ve already replaced my front wheel (with something very similar), it cracked at the spoke as you mentioned. I think the shop tightened the spoke enough times to fix previous bends that it eventually gave way. I’ve ridden that bike across the entire state of Iowa 3 times, no issues besides a broken chain link.. I’m

I’d have no problem driving another one, so long as you keep it “in town”. It was very average in terms of acceleration whereas every other EV feels faster. The infotainment is buggy, and the batteries take up much of the usable space. The backseat is tiny compared to most other sedans. The ‘17+ have better range (115

Currently, ‘19 Bolt + ‘18 Outlander PHEV AWD + ‘95 Wrangler Rio Grande. The rest were owned within the last 4 years.. I might have a problem.. and of course my ‘05 Trek.

Thanks, I skipped straight to the slideshow. I blame the format ;)

No mention of the 258 mile Chevy Bolt EV that you can get for $18k? It makes any sub $20k EV seem like a waste of money. Sure, there’s a battery recall, but thats a perk. You’ll get a brand new battery with larger capacity in the immediate future, with a new 10year/100k mile warranty.

Whats popular isn’t always right, and whats right isn’t always popular.


I mean, only if you measure overall consumption. Not sure what you mean.

I have solar, and the energy I overproduce goes to my neighbors, maybe 5 houses in each direction max. I’ve had many conversations with the electric company pole workers when they come out for various reasons.. The electrons never even reach the transformer, its such BS.

In any case, battery storage is the answer for

You’re just comparing price of gas with maybe adding refining/transportation costs to it, compared to inflation. That has nothing to do with the cost of a barrel. Let me get this straight, you’re saying the high cost of gas is strictly based on inflation/refining/trans cost? I’ll admit, thats a small part of it, but

Its only a matter of time, we’re already past peak oil (they all admit). There’s not an infrastructure or means to replace all the oil, but this will expedite it. With a jump in diesel, electric long haul freight trucks are looking more and more viable from a business standpoint.

I followed the market prices of oil and stocks in general very closely that day, and the market was largely unchanged, oil went DOWN the following day. Gas prices are a lagging indicator, and if anything it was reacting to the ongoing conflict which has been going on for 2 weeks+ at that point.

All that shows is the cost of oil, is there something I’m missing? Its no secret that demand plummeted during covid, and that OPEC reduced production during that whole contango problem (remember when oil was trading at negative prices?). OPEC publicly released oil at a slowed pace post Covid. Supply -> demand. There’s

Ha! Whats to stop someone from just getting a battery backup system without the grid? That is the funniest/saddest thing I’ve read in a while.

tHatS AlL liBeRals CaN dO iS PosT NeWs stOrIEs

Fox News and talk radio is rotting America’s brain. Do yourself a favor and actually Google those talking points with an open mind, leaving yourself with the possibility that you could be wrong. See what happens, you might be surprised.

Yes and no. The market doesn’t like uncertainty, and oil would be a commodity that benefits from war. But yes, I’m sure some prices are artificially high as well.