
Not to mention the average lifespan of a single panel is 4o years.

Sorry bud, you need to research that a little better. Its supply demand change in pre/post Covid and OPEC, but those are fine talking points. The pipeline oil would have been exported, and the pipeline wouldn’t have been enough to effect the global cost of a barrel. The same oil ended up where it was going without the

I just heard an NPR story where they explained Shell lobbyists were trying to convince lawmakers that its harmful (or somehow a bad idea) to allow consumers to put solar on their own roofs, and how big energy companies should handle it. Sorry, cant put toothpaste back in the tube on this one.

The rising prices since the election have more to do with the slowing of production during the Covid slowdown in commerce, and the quick return demand when the economy came roaring back post Covid. OPEC kept the production low and enjoyed the profits only ramping up supply incrementally. The pipeline was a drop in the

My point being, you cant blame dems for the higher gas prices in general, but specifically not for this move. The increase in recent prices is due to instability. When the US announced it would stop buying Russian oil, the market did nothing.

They’re digging their own graves by doing so, and speeding up the shift to renewables.

Russian oil makes up <3% of our annual supply. It wont effect us nearly as much as Europe. Also worth mentioning, this decision was met with bipartisan support.

To drive through a cloud of mystery is one thing. To drive through said cloud THEN GET OUT AND WALK AROUND is a whole ‘nother level of stupid.

Not following you

This cop is my favorite cop.

Dozens of officers were caught inflating their overtime hours between 2016 and 2018.

I’m sure this practice is wide spread across the nation. Authority + human nature + probability = a shitload of crimes.

Theres the way it should be, and the way it is..

Thats funny because there seems to be an equal number of “you’re all Tesla fanbois” criticism (or at least used to be as of 12 months ago). I guess that means they’re doing it right if they’re pissing everyone off.

Kind of brings those EV fires into perspective.. Just sayin’.

Any word on the Creedence tapes?

There’s too much wrong info in your post to go through line by line. My original point is that brakes last forever in EVs, not that they’re not worth installing.

You win, thats incredible

Sounds like you’re trolling here, but I’ll bite anyways: