
I’ve been driving EVs for 8 years, never changed a set of pads once. With current tech, pads last over 200k easily with 3/4 life left. They’ll fall apart before wearing down as of now, if you live in rust belt.

If there’s one thing I miss about traditional cars its a manual shifter.. However, unless you drive a sports car its either a crappy CVT or possibly 7-9 speed auto. Given that choice, 1-speed reduction gear wins any day.

Regen is similar to using the clutch to brake, but then again you’re putting wear on your

Yep, still has pads, but regen is very aggressive and I can come to a full stop from the freeway to a short off ramp without ever touching the brake. I haven’t braked in weeks (only in emergencies). Sure, I will use the brakes some, but the pads will outlive the car. Give it a google, most EVs have original pads at

“Huh you don’t use brake pads on an EV”

I have an EV, so:

I just dont understand why they couldn’t get it to work with little $. Aren’t the forward crash brake cameras 99% of the equipment needed? Must be more to it.

Bolt owner: Its a great car for $20k currently, but the only thing it had going for it in 2017 was they beat Tesla M3 to market, and at $37-44k was that it was slightly less than the Model 3. Its a fantastic car if you never need to road trip it, but the slow DCFC (especially in cold) makes it a hard sell at full


Hold judgement before saying “slow” and “ev” in same sentence. My Bolt is only 200hp but the 266 lb-ft instant torque makes it stupid quick. I can chirp my tires at 40 mph if I floor it.

167hp probably feels plenty quick for what most folks want, seeing as how everyone’s evidentially fine with CVTs.

All measurements are straight out of my ass

Its amusing when you can clearly see the 24" diameter attached to a 5" pipe, with no attempt to hide it.

Well, did he get the job??

You’re right to an extent, I think the slight amount of aero you get for the cargo volume isn’t worth it. The returns will be even less when you consider everything will be EV soon.


Ahh, that’s why I subconsciously hate the word.

No no no, say it in an excited manner every time you say the name.

Ex: hey, i’ll drive, but you have to squeeze in the E-UP!

The name is the best part. I’m all for punctuation in car names. Would you rather it be alphanumeric?

Unfortunately, if you want a response in less than 3 weeks, FB is where you do. I guess it depends on how obscure your vehicle, and the average demographic age.

Have you ridden a Chicago train on a Cubs game day? The stations sell beer and there are no carry on rules. There’s usually someone at the back of the train with a case of Old Style on the “commuter train”.