
Because Nissan and Porcshe are equal car makers, right?

Did you use the pedal on the right?

“While the Bolt may not be the ideal car for all drivers, it can be especially compelling for those folks who are now working from home and just need a car for short drives”

300k on average according to many studies.

I’ve owned several EVs, and the batteries have always been fine. The rate in which they’re replaced is pretty low, but even more so with Chevy. They engineered the Volt/Bolt incredibly conservatively: Charging rates were much lower than competitors, battery buffers, heating/cooling, fast charging max cap. Chevy’s

Spoken like a person who hasn’t actually driven a Bolt.

I see your point, but think about the Jeep Wrangler: More evolution than revolution. The shell is familiar, but the bones are still all new. I think the lesson learned is if its not broke, dont fix it.

The original grill was also boxy, but had the benefit of a chrome bumper to break up the giant void. This obviously doesn’t have that design element, and you’re left with a huge, unintended focal point.

Correct, it took me a minute to find the connection because the 240z had the bumper to break up the giant box. It needs some design element to do the same thing, that box is huge in its 90 degree angle perfection.

I think he’s just regular vanilla ice cream hated in general.

These are all bold designs, and yet all very different. There’s more to design than just creases, but the overall shape, proportions, lines, etc..

From the impact damage of the AG’s truck (front), he should have seen what it was he hit. I’m still calling BS. He also came from a fundraiser/campaign thing, so I wonder if alcohol was involved. Stating “I thought it was a deer” might give him just enough cover to leave, sober up, and have just enough plausible

I’ve hit a few deer in my day, and its fairly obvious that it wasn’t a person. Deer dont run into the side of your car, they jump in front / on top of your hood/grill usually. Granted, its only for a split second, but you get a good look at the deer’s final seconds. I’m calling bullshit.

LaW & ORdEr!!!

CP, only because thats 944 money or perhaps even 944 S2 money, which is the correct choice. I’d take a 944 S2 that needs just a little TLC or save up just a couple grand more for similar condition. I recall seeing S2s with good dashes and decent paint for $15k a few years ago.

I never said it was ugly. Changes from the normal design trends can take time to catch on or grow on you. I’m not saying this is the best designed car ever made, but I like it because its different.

Everything you mentioned is the reason its not boring. It looks like no other SUV on the market which good or bad, is good.

yes, or the Trucklites for a more retro look with the reflector based LED. If you wanted a true old school look, you could get one of those 1st gen Trucklites that they used in military vehicles - they have a nice vintage frenzel lens and decent LED output, not quite a good as the modern LEDs.

Everything is very tasteful, except for the halo headlights. If you MUST have LED DRLs, I would prefer something more subtle, like a single or quad LEDs in the bumper.. maybe something inside the amber marker lights? Halos are tacky, but thats an easy 30 second fix.


Nevermind, I misread your comment. Jalop on sir.