
Its a classy car, I would just do something that blends in. Burberry would stand out in a weird place.

You sound like someone who’s never been in an accident. I guarantee you, they are not supplemental. I’ve been in 5 accidents (none my fault) and the seat belt didn’t keep my head from bouncing off the windshield, A-pillar, and wheel (80s Olds Cutlass). The other 4, I walked away with minor issues.

Film cameras of this vintage are paperweights. Unless you have a bunch of glass invested, why would you ever attempt a repair? I guess you really have nothing to lose. Are these bodies rare? I’ve always wanted an old Leica, but the prices are ridiculous for a toy.

Before commenting I googled ‘88 Supra interior and it looked like it had them. Obviously harmless if it didn’t.

Anyone who replaces an airbag with a standard steering wheel is a moron. If it was optional, then you’re no worse off. I see this all the time in modern cars.. Of all the trade-offs you could possibly make, removing the second most important safety device in your car so it can have a Momo logo is just stupid.

Top 10 Ways to Lose Your Online Audience! 

Glad there aren’t any click sympathizers among us.

Are you saying you like it?

Top 10 Ways to Lose Your Online Audience! 

I’m a liberal, tree hugging, granola eating environmentalist and I cant believe I’m saying this, but “I WANT A HUMMER”.

No blowjob jokes, thats low-hanging fruit.

The goal is never to produce more than you’ll need, you see diminishing returns. In Iowa, you get 90% of what you produce, and the energy company “buys” the extra 10% back for pennies on the dollar. The next year you can apply for 100% net metering if your average consumption is high enough, which mine is.

I’m hoping

Seems oddly specific.

I once had a Hyundai dealership call the police on me for refusing to pay for a warranty rental car. The car was 6 months old (Hyundai Tiburon) and they were on the hook for towing and rental car.

This will be a classic soon enough. Whats not to like? Mid-engine roadster with a manual, and a bulletproof engine and solid gearbox.

I heard a story on NPR today saying that EV sales are down around 18% but ICEs are down 25%, and they expect the trend to increase, resulting in a decrease of about 18 million barrels of oil per day (delta of EV to ICE, not just decreased sales).

I would imagine peak oil was in Dec-Feb, no? The economy will takes at

That. Is. Sick. I’ve seen a few 986 EV conversions, looks like a good candidate. God speed!

Thanks! Ignore the 5 shades, we’re in the middle of painting.

I remember reading a Maxim review of this car when I was in college.. something about dumb college girls will be impressed because they’ll think its a Porsche.

I want a Boxster, but will most likely end up with one of these because of lack of maintenance. I’ve wanted a similar cost Miata for some time, but everything

Ive read a few comments tonight about your 3 porches, but cant find any mention of which ones? Now I’m reading about electrification? As a fellow journalist, I know the budget you’re working with.

Most EV’s charge not just at night but overnight. They also use 110v or 220v, so its the equivalent of everyone starting a load of laundry at the same time during peak, but mostly off peak, from 10pm-6am. If this overwhelms the system for those couple hours, most EV’s or chargers allow you to delay charging to “off