
Sorry, had no idea of your age or life experience. This makes much more sense, I hardly read a headline until I was in college. Dont worry about us old folks, anything halfway political makes our hemorrhoids flair up. Screen shot this conversation and reread it in 20 years, for a good laugh.

What are you saving up for?

I’m having Makers Mark, but Bulleit is a fine choice.

Can we please knock off the asshole banter for a bit? We’re in the middle of a recession in which 1/4 of the country is unemployed because they didn’t choose “a well-paying field” that set them up for life, with no fear of layoffs. I really dont want to hear about incorrect career choices right now, even the best

Whoops, my bad. Dont type and drink whisky.

You noticed, huh? I have a propane heater inside the smaller garage, makes for a good workshop in the winter. Its detached and I can get it up to a balmy 55 degrees in the dead of winter.

Iowa has net metering, meaning you get credits that roll over to the next month.

Sure, because I hate knowing where I’m going. Nope, dont want a phone mount, squinting at a tiny screen isn’t any safer.

Integrated screens look better, but I prefer the higher mounted screen to keep my eyes closer to the road.

You mean in a “screw US workers” kind of way or just a “forbidden fruit” thing? Confusing comment.

The seats are the best part of this car. That interior is simple in design, and looks super cozy.

Ames is pretty terrible, even though its the home of Iowa State. Most of the state is flat and boring, along the river is known as “the driftless region” where the glaciers spared the hilltops. Lots of 2000-3000' hills with amazing views along the Mississippi.

NE Iowa is very hilly, lots of bluffs on the Mississippi.

The grass tennis court in the back yard.

I have 10 more on the house, enough to cover all electricity and 2 EVs ;)

But where do you keep the lawn mower??!

Would you allow your grand kids to do the same these days? Have we grown overprotective or just learned more about safety?

“it “could” be harder on the batteries, but it was also all-Tesla, All-the-time, so I can’t speak to whether it’s better than a 3rd party charger system for wear-and-tear.”

Weren’t those swapped out after an abusive amount of fast charging, and up to 100%, against all recommendations? I seem to remember that they were pretty well abused, yet swapped out every 150k miles or so. Seems acceptable.

I think for the average driver who isn’t zap-frying his battery 3 times a day, it should last

Not often, unless you drive a 1st gen Leaf.