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    I wish it was better. After great season 1. Season 2 and 3 was disappointment 100%.

    Diffrences between cable and streaming services like Netflix Amazon prime hulu etc is that they have no damn commercials.

    I would say Putin plan working perfectly.

    I watched part of Hannity show, couldn’t watch the whole thing. He is good brainwasher. The amount of hate and delusional thinking is really high.

    All other countries already have single payer. Here in US lobbies in control and pushing their own agendas. That is why this is a mess.

    I think Government needs to switch from their health plan to this AHCA for 2 years before it goes public. Kinda trial period.

    VPN service prividers will start booming if this go through. And prices will go up I would suspect. Whole thing is just F^ck up. On other hand we can buy browsing history data for congressmen and even Trump and his family.

    In campaign trails Trumps talked about Education is falling down so he will fix it, but in reality he cuts Education budget. Go figure.

    Democrats and Republicans both sucks. Did anything changed when Bush was in the office?

    He probably goes to the same place Trump goes to do his face tan.

    Interesting thing is that this executive order only applies to Muslim countries where Trump doesn’t have any bussiness.

    I think you got wrong on majority. I think there is plenty of states that would went for other candidate but electoral college forced the other way. This kinda a mistakes can cost country bigly.

    So he still going to tweet I guess.

    Welcome to Trumplandia!

    US shouldn’t went to Iraq in the first place. So say thanks to Bush.

    The issue in USA is that both parties try to push their own agendas, same goes for senators. So they argue back and forth and nothing done or it’s done in such a way that it’s no good. This could simply be resolved by working together and do what the best for the people and country.

    Canada looks like moving forward where USA with comming administration going backwards and it’s SAD!

    I watched the video and was thinking “I can open doors faster than navigate through all this OS options.”

    If I was Toyota President I would give President-elect a finger over twitter.

    So Trump knows a lot about hacking. It seems to me he knows a lot about everything.