Abby Short

Did anyone else notice the burning fire of the mammoth was just below the statue of a person kneeling in prayer? It almost seemed like a visual reference to heaven and hell— the praying person directly about the flames. Just a thought!

Thanks for the correct terminology!

Oh, and when Vincent and Natalie were performing the autopsy on the dog, my germaphobe mind was screaming "get some hazmat suits"! They were being way too nonchalant about all the body fluids and such. I couldn't stand it when they were holding that larvae right near their unprotected faces! Yikes!

Thank you, Libby, for these great reviews! You picked the perfect line for today's review title…Morton saying " I hate this place". Perfect line, well delivered.

Really looking forward to Thursday! That's all I have to say! :-)

Sorry for poor spelling and punctuation. Keyboard is acting up!

This show is my only "have to watch" show! Morton's shock induced rmblings after being shot were so well written! Funny, yet not funny. "Is that a 9mm? That's survivable". "Blood…I can survive that"