
YASSS! I love the book and the movie so much!


I got such delightful schadenfreude reading this review. Thanks, AV Club.

I've been reading the Hannibal Lecter trilogy all summer, in addition to the movies (and the series, of course) and this is a very adept critique of Red Dragon. However, I'm surprised you didn't include Hannibal (the novel). I would have loved to read your thoughts on that, I actually think it was one of the best

Ha! Oh god, I had the original MAC SE, my sister and I used to play Oregon Trail on it and weave salacious tales with this American Girl Doll game we had.

Amen about Beetlejuice: The Animated Series and Fargo, but what about Hannibal, man?!

Amen! Darin Morgan is a genius.

One of the best and most unsettling endings was "Home", and I was always hoping the Peacock family would return again. Oh please let this be true!

Oh god, what did I just watch? Why are people still giving Ryan Murphy money and TV shows? And as if things couldn't get any worse, he constantly inflicts that horse-toothed Emma Roberts upon the masses. Make it end!

Bless this article.

Night of the Lepus was real! And even campier!

THAT CAT IN DOCTOR SLEEP, what the hell. Worst plot device ever.

I QUIT! Thank god it's on Hulu and not Netflix.

Or, "Bowie in Space" by Flight of the Conchords.

"I Don't Want to Wait" by Paula Cole! Or "Gold Digger" by Yeezy.

Angel Olsen and St. Vincent's albums this year were gifts that kept on giving.

This is why I read The AV Club, I know I can come here and my loathing of Ryan Murphy's hamfisted/after-school specials/formulaic shock TV is shared by millions of awesome viewers like you.

What a fantastic article!

The X-Files did it better. FLUKEMAN 4EVA!

Yes! The Double R!