
Except she isn’t a psychologist. That’s key here: she has no experience in diagnosing behavior. It’s like calling a phyiscist to a trial about medical mal-pratice: while the phyiscist is a scientist their expertise is not really in identifying if a plastic surgeon was sucking the fat out of your chin too hard to cause

I have to admit, I’d do him and not even be sorry. He does seem like a bit of an asshat, but he’s just my type physically. It will be entertaining watching them try to spin him as husband material.

Why do you hate love? You must not be here for the right reasons.

I don’t know what your skin is like, but nair might not be a good option either. It burns some people hella bad.

I shaved my legs last week (after about 6 months of growth) and I was so upset by how long it took. Like 10 solid minutes per trunk.

Waking up every morning.

Umm...nothing. I don't even wear a slightly uncomfortable shoe.

I had it done once as a gag while I was on vacation. It tickles a little but doesn’t hurt at all. The main problem is that you get nervous you’ll squish one of the little fish so that can be a little stressful.

also round of a -fucking-pplause for the moderators, they did a fantastic fucking job. they asked* good questions, they pushed, and megyn is a Problematic Queen.

I haven’t even heard the word “bimbo” used since, like, the early 90s.

A woman challenged him and he called her a bimbo afterward. This is what Megyn Kelly was talking about.

So am I the only one who noticed that Trump admitted to buying politicians throughout his career? He basically implied that he’s a central part of a large conspiracy (that implicates the Clintons and others) and no one even blinked.

It was really less of a “political debate” and more of a “demolition derby.” I really liked the part where they said that women don’t belong in the military and then shit all over the goddamn Geneva conventions. America is truly exceptional. (Just not in the way they think it is.)

I couldn’t do it. I listened for a bit then had to switch it off. I’ll read their repsonses and watch clips but that was too much crazy on display for me and the crowd’s cheers for bad things made it worse.

In saying he doesn’t remember saying all these offensive things about women, he called Megyn Kelly a “bimbo.” Solid plan, asshole. I’m sure she’s fucking heartbroken you don’t want to talk to her anymore. If Roger Ailes is smart, he should ONLY let Trump on Fox if he agrees to talk to Kelly. That is appointment

I am not a fan of Rosie O’Donnell, but her response to this on Twitter was the best possible thing she could have said: “try explaining that 2 ur kids”

It's not that we love assholes, we love seeing assholes make damned fools out of themselves.

Trebek ruins everything

okay how did you not know that one because its in the commercial