
I’m still waiting for the McPaneer sandwich from India. Instead we get crap like a burger made with cheetos. Yuch!


It’s a shame you didn’t test Amy’s brand or Trader Joe’s brand of frozen dinners. They’re worth eating over the stuff you did test.

Evidence sir/madam, is very important. Please provide. Thank you.

I remember it all vividly. It was such a fucking tragedy. He seemed to have so much promise and because of his poor decisions, 3 lives were lost. 

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came”

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came”

That’s what the ala carte menu is for.

I just recently found ground wild boar in one of my local grocery stores. It makes a totally yummy burger. Just cook it less time since it’s leaner than beef.

I just recently found ground wild boar in one of my local grocery stores. It makes a totally yummy burger. Just cook it less time since it’s leaner than beef.

Silly me. Here I thought something like that would be called child abuse. Apparently not.

On the 4th in DC, they’re calling for 90 degrees and scattered showers. I just honestly wish, it would totally rain on Trump and his parade. No pun intended.

I always thought if it’s labeled Atlantic salmon, there’s a pretty good bet it’s farmed.

If it’s still farmed, wouldn’t they still be adding the dye?

It’s about the Palestinians loss of territory and the fact that they’re really pissed off about it, amongst other things.

McSpicy Paneer Sandwich. This is what I want to try now.

This is me. I have a chronic illness and take a ton of meds. Some of those meds can cause the malabsorption of some key vitamins and minerals. I have taken D, B vitamins, potassium and iron at various times depending upon bloodwork. Taking vitamins for me is necessary at times.

I’d like to plug several scifi and fantasy series by 2 authors.

So sad. I loved her books so much. The first couple of books of her Dark Hunter series were pure gold. Unfortunately as time went on, the books veered away from paranormal romance (what I like) to urban fantasy and finally to just stories about extremely conflicted and tortured characters. I lost interest in her

Since I’ve been waiting to vote his ass out of office since November 2016, I’ll be the first one at the polls in my state.