
I have always absolutely hated the term “Homeland”. It was a shitty term when they thought of it in 2002 and it’s still a shitty term now. It always makes me think of the “Fatherland” and conjures up visions of jack booted thugs goose stepping down the street.

I’m so sorry to hear that.

War of 1812, Mexican Border wars, Pearl Harbor. Idiot.

Can you get her out of the house for an outing on an occasional basis? Taking a break from the news every once and awhile is good for your health. God knows, I have to.

If the rats get to be a certain size, cats will just ignore them. 

I can say with complete assurance that Rand Paul will in fact vote against this measure because he is just a complete dick. 

Spelling aside, they definitely got their point across.

GOOD! DOUBLE PLUS GOOD! The sooner, the better.

Too dangerous for an abortion, but a C-section is just fine? Give me a break!

Too dangerous for an abortion, but a C-section is just fine? Give me a break!

WTF. Crab meat bin?? Is that like the fake stuff or cheap ass frozen asian crab meat?

The saddest part is that the crab legs were probably frozen crab legs at one point. Imagine on your rap sheet, fighting over frozen crab legs at a cheap ass $10.58 buffet. Sounds like this should have taken place in either Vegas or Florida.

That’s because we’re just too exhausted from our own issues which is either waiting for Mueller’s report so we can impeach dumbass in charge or waiting for him to start a nuclear war.

I just discovered this article in the Guardian about missing Native American women on the Blackfeet reservation in NW Montana.

I want my Sizzling Ginger Deer Meat right now.

I want my Sizzling Ginger Deer Meat right now.

Here in Baltimore, we have the stereotype of the diner waitress calling customers Hon. We even have a restaurant called Cafe Hon. It’s deemed apart of what makes Baltimore kitschy. Of course, If I had a waiter call me babe, I’d declare him unprofessional. It’s all in the eyes of the beholder.

Looks at picture. Scans crowd. And yes, look, there’s the one token black guy. Looks around more. Sees woman with suspiciously long dark hair dressed in red to the bottom right of turdface. Is she another token something, something ?

Question - Are presidential libraries supposed to present the whole of a president’s term, both good and bad? I ask this because when I visited Reagan’s library, all his supposed virtues were all on display, yet not one word on his failings, such as the Iran-Contra Affair. It all felt like revisionist history to me.

As I commented in the Washington Post article, Virginia sucks.