
If you haven’t read her autobiography, I highly recommend it. It’s a quick read, but it is very funny. You know those people that are reading on a plane and laughing aloud loudly? Well, it made made me become one of them and I’m not even sorry.

of course fetal body parts are harvested and sold at planned parenthood

I’m pretty sure no one would be mad at her for not sporting cornrows

I have more of a problem with Kylie saying “I woke up like disssss.” Girl. It’s been a year. People aren’t saying that anymore. And you don’t talk like that in real life. Just stop.

Young millennials make me feel like a freak for not constantly photographing myself. And for giving no fucks about social media. I’m doing life wrong!

I...don’t see the problem with her comment. It’s perfectly clear, in context, that she’s saying that everyone has a moral right to express their sexuality, not that it’s easy to do so for everyone.

If $135,000 seems like a lot just for emotional damages, it is worth noting that the baker did not just refuse them service. She also published the couple’s names and home address on the Internet and encouraged people to harass them. So there was much more emotional damage than just refusing them service.

Operating a business in the public sphere means you agree to comply with anti-discrimination laws. Nobody forced the business owners to do that.

I do the same thing when my anxiety gets really bad, though I do lean towards cats. Good for you, and stay strong! Here’s my cat to help.

I feel like as a liberal, I’m supposed to like Bill Maher, and I just don’t. He has some opinions that I agree with, and he says some funny things sometimes, but he’s so self-righteous and seems utterly unwilling to listen to anybody besides himself - even other liberals. No thanks.

I know this is first and foremost a public health threat but I wish more attention was paid to the fact that buying into the autism-connection myth demonstrates a profound hatred of autistic people. It’s one thing to say, no, that’s bullshit, but people who spread it should also be confronted with the fact that they

She’s married to Donnie Wahlberg, Mark’s older brother.

Alex Karev, Rigby McButterpants

Still Daredevil.

Probably at first. But, it will be consolation and comfort when she leaves him later on. And it’s likely she will.

I don’t put too much stock in spilling those kinds of beans...I was in a crazy situation once where a guy lied to both me and his wife(!); his wife took his ass back. I swear that she suffered from Stockholm syndrome.

Call me drastic but isn’t the normal response to this situation to want to chop his dick off? Or at least Carrie Underwood style personal property destruction? I’m not saying you would/should act on those feelings but as someone that has been blindsided by a long distance cheater I can speak from experience that my

I learned early that sometimes the people who are supposed to take care of you will leave you. That’s not a complex, that’s a fact.