
BTW: where is Turk Turkelton for having the best gawker name. The best.

It's just half assed - that's really all I can tell you from my small time in it. It's half assed and there is very little challenging going on. It was enough for me to go, I don't want to work in a prosecutor's office. I want to sit in this crappy office and read the bell jar because reading the bell jar is more

Serial was not purely for entertainment - it was presented in an entertaining manner, but in reality, Koening did her best to try present the material in a very neutral way. For one, there is no way to really decide whether or not if Adnan was involved except to any degree you believe it or not. We don't have any

Nope. Nope. Nope.

I don't grasp what he think he should be suing over. Defamation? What a slim chance if it turns out he cheated. The only person who seems to have any real concern here is the woman who has an email address out there and is being contacted by people. If I were her, I would want the ad removed to be left alone. Sad. She

Now that we've hit rock bottom on discourse (#jeansgate), anybody in this whole ordeal feel like growing the $#@ up?

Islamic Fundamentalism is a reality in the world. It exists in a minority in Europe, but it exists. What is problematic with this tragedy is all it will do is fan the very strong flames in Europe right now of Islamphobia, which is horribly unfair to many Muslims who are not and do not share these extreme beliefs. When

it's like any celebrity that did something that induces cringing but has a lot of friends who don't want to believe it is true. woody allen...

Um, he has a personality disorder - possibly narcissistic personality disorder or close to it, which includes a total inability to be alone, cheating, lying, obsessive infatuation. Anybody who does that is not normal, and he probably does it to tons of women.

That poor kid and dog, they live with Sarah Palin and her accent.

Depressingly enough for Jezebel readers, I quit working as a coordinator at Planned Parenthood after 5 months in my 20's. All the ways it was miserable I cannot list. The job was 9-5, and I was friends with the other coordinators who later left and felt dissatisfaction with the admin side too. I did my job. My my boss

Yes, they are using FSU's attitude problem (we've seen their recent twitter history), and their beloved player has no record to mock him. For them it's no different than a "your momma so fat" joke. None of us can really say how it feels for the actual victim who has received no justice - just a lot of slap in the face

I swear, in my collective experiences with police officers, I've had it all. Being bullied, yelled at, lectured, treated with total disrespect, to people treating me with the upmost concern. And the experiences have varied as to why - whether I was a college student where the officer was bullying my friend because she

Does this guy think that his employees are aiming to make a life here? Am I missing something? Life goal: where a bikini serving alcohol FOREVER!!!

Wow. Wow. Wow. That's so horrible! I'm so sorry to hear that. I think so many women have these horrible stories galore. It's truly unfortunate, and it makes some of us a little braver with someone else. But many other women retreat into themselves, for those other women, then indeed, what a terrible thing worthy of

I think most people realized they overreacted or misunderstood. It was very frustrating to read it from afar.

Apparently in a post about orgasms, you shall not admit to having one. Don't do that. It lacks empathy to all future posters who allegedly don't have orgasms.

"It was a tone deaf comment" - that's totally subjective, and yes, you are entitled to feel it was...but are women supposed to hide that some individuals get to a moment in time where some decide they realized it isn't worth to be unsatisfied sexually? Some other women have different experiences. That's not, in my

It's the internet. People think because they're hiding behind a screen they can take their venom and perhaps jealousy to the nth degree. Instead of saying, hey, your comment makes me personally uncomfortable the following people just attacked her personally. It showed a lack of awareness. It was pathetic,

exactly. one woman above says she has orgasms with her husband, and then we get a 1,000 women telling her how she lacks empathy for saying that. all she was admitting to was she couldn't imagine being with someone who wouldn't satisfy her. How dare she - what an awful horrible human being - you probably go to cancer