
Not that I’ve seen. Communism is the tiredest of boogeymen, but some people never seem to get tired of waving it around like it’s a serious issue.

Does anyone but fascists & white supremacists actually care about who is or isn’t a communist anymore?

Now playing

I REALLY am loathe to defend Trump, but video CLEARLY shows Abe doing it first. This is why alt-right idiots bleat on about fake news.

Yeah I guess the reason I have a lot of female friends is because I don’t whip my dick out at them or randomly grab their body parts...jesus...

Maybe she finds it difficult to talk about and uses humour as a coping mechanism.

I wonder if we’ll hear from all the people in the last post who thought the other actress was making it up because she made a South Park reference in her tweets.

Ha, nice try, but I have no intention of being shot in the back of the head

I’ve had just about enough of this, “Evil Lincoln.” You either start saying more evil stuff or you need to change your name to “Regular Lincoln.”

Or “Kevin Hart to replace Tyrese Gibson in Fast and Furious franchise”

You could have just titled this “Tyrese Gibson quits Fast and Furious franchise”

Kevin Spacey is currently preparing his statement about how he’s really sorry if these events that he can’t remember actually happened, and also he is a new type of sexuality that hasn’t been discovered previously.

At an event for kids this asshat decides to wear that. I’m sure he got a pat on the head from Trump for that.

I ferverently pray that the tombstone asshat is personally screwed by the removal of one portion if Obama’s legacy. And that he craps his moronic pants when alllll the truth comes out & even Fox can’t deny this administration is full of traitorous grifters.

Thanks, now I’ll be humming that song all night.

Harsh but true.

...Okay I wore a cup for soccer as did my entire team, and our cleats looked like this, basically:

...Was he not wearing a cup? Because, uh. This is explicitly why you wear cups - because other people on the field with motherfuckin’ metal spikes on their shoes are going to be making kicking motions at about dick level with a high degree of frequency.

How has this been going on for 19 seasons?

I thought that show was a remake of the 80's prime time soap opera, but only featuring ducks. Then I caught an episode and I was wrong. So, so wrong.