Idk, maybe the word(s) I used in my original post hat you’re commenting on? Inuit, Inupiaq, Yupik, Supiaq, etc.
Idk, maybe the word(s) I used in my original post hat you’re commenting on? Inuit, Inupiaq, Yupik, Supiaq, etc.
Lol, dismiss! White people literally made the category white to lift themselves above others, it’s not a slur! And I guess I can say that, since my dad is white.
But why not use the words *we* use for ourselves? Why use a word made up by white people bastardized from Algonquin? One that has a lot of horror and oppression stemming from it?
So very true! It’s an “othering” that happens when people people talk about the Inuit/Yupik words for snow, like “look at these funny little savages” rather than “these people love in the Arctic, and developed their language to capture the nuance of ice and snow conditions” 🙄.
I’ve never liked that song, but lots of old white songs have racist words or expressions from days past in them. Even the star spangled banner has verses that are racist. I think we as a society need to let go of the nostalgia we have for times passed, because a lot of that nostalgia is baked in with racism and the…
More tone policing! Super! I’m an adult, and yes, people can catch these hands if they think they can call me an Eskimo.
Ah yes, the tone policing begins! White people should be accountable to their racist actions, but only if the minority in question says it really nicely!
Read my profile history! Critiquing Warren =/ trying to drag her campaign. And I’ve been consistent in my criticism of Warren.
Sure, I should totally allow for a slur for my people to be used in an article, for other people’s amusement.
She’s not Native - she doesn’t have Native ancestry, there is no proof, and the DNA test is not proof of anything regarding ancestry to a specific tribe. DNA testing for “Native blood” is inaccurate and not based in actual science hence a dog testing as Native in the article I linked to. (In fact, it reenforces and…
The Pueblo I know identify as Pueblo in aggregate, and by their individual pueblo like Laguna or Acoma individually. Kind of like how I’m trying to explain that Inuit/Yupik people use Inuit or Yupik in aggregate, and out individual villages individually.
So, I know most of this, because I’m Inupiaq from NW Alaska. So I know all about the BIA and the BIE, and trust me, there is plenty of nuanced issues with the naming of those offices. For instance, Inuit, Yupik, and Aluet people aren’t considered Indian by the US government, and yet we have to go through the BIA and…
Oh, so it’s the Native woman has an agenda, even though she’s an anthropologist specifically focusing on DNA, ancestry, and Native nations?Not the white woman playing into blood myths without a single Cherokee ancestor?
.... You’re explaining Inuit history and naming to an Inupiaq person.....
... Yeah, no. Funny that you would assume I wouldn’t be vocal?
Lol, got it. Using one racist term as a pun on a comment decrying another racist term!
It should matter to lower 48 non- Native Americans, but most of the ones I meet think forget that Inuit people are even part of the US.
? who is he ? and why does me asking not to have my people referred to by a slur mean I’m rubbing his nose in it?
No.... it’s not. It’s a slur, that white people decided referred to our tribes and villages, based off of incorrect translations from other Native tribes.
How many words do you have for “I’m not Inuit, so I don’t get to decide if an Inuit should chill or not when someone uses a slur?