Since when one of Hemingway’s most famous books - A Farewell to Arms - is considered “obscure”? Or was it a joke? I’d understand if you said something like At Swim-Two-Birds by Flann O’Brien, but A Farewell to Arms?
Since when one of Hemingway’s most famous books - A Farewell to Arms - is considered “obscure”? Or was it a joke? I’d understand if you said something like At Swim-Two-Birds by Flann O’Brien, but A Farewell to Arms?
I don’t see it as “boredom” either. No, you’re not physically doing anything...not reacting to stimuli, but boredom implies something undesirable. It suggests that we are doing something (or nothing) for the simple fact that we have nothing else we would rather do.
I’d dispute the notion that dedicating time towards the creative process constitutes “boredom.” But that’s just semantics.