
Nah, technicians just forget that engineers primary objective is typically to design a complex machine to be assembled within a certain cost. Serviceability is one of the first things to sacrifice to achieve that goal.


Nope. If you left it to the engineers, all bolts for everything would be exposed and easy to reach. However the designers... those artsy people who create the shape of the vehicle, they have no idea there is even an engine in there. It’s their fault not ours.

I also find it amusing how there are always 10x “cue the Elon cult” comments to 1 actual Elon stan.

Elon Musk: “Thanks this made a difference”

My wife’s Crosstrek gets surprisingly good fuel economy. Regularly in the mid 30s and if your doing lots of highway even higher. However, it is easily the slowest modern car I have ever driven. My wife doesn’t care that it’s slow, and I’d guess most Crosstrek owners don’t, but the fact that the only way Subaru can

I have a 2018 MX-5 Club w/ stick and if I take it easy I regularly get 42-46 mpg on my mixed commute-mostly interstate and 2 lane. If I drive it very enthusiastically for a whole tank I’ll get around 37 mpg. This is all when the weather if warm to hot. Drops off when it cools down, which is weird. Even if I drive the

Yeah well the gti is front wheel and the wrx is all wheel. That has a large impact

What is really surprising is that the BRZ gets the same MPG without the turbo. Both cars match the Infiniti Q60 Red Sport (all are 22 MPG combined), which is where the new Nissan Z will be too. I’d rather have the power of the Nissan if there isn’t an efficiency gain.

Very nearly as bad as this massive 400hp AWD bus.

In SoCal you can generally see miles ahead of you when you’re on the freeway, so I don’t doubt this guy was quickly slowing down LONG before he needed to, and probably created even more traffic with his stunt.

It’s like the version of what you’re talking about, but on steroids, basically slowing way down well before traffic builds up. 

I dunno, the “leaving some space between traffic” on the 405 doesn’t seem that egregious; it’s far better than the folks who will floor it at the first sign of a space and then slam on the brakes when the inevitable stop comes. In fact, I generally try to drive with some “buffer” in stop and go, leaving a bit of space

This. And it ends competition, so effectively slows or ends advancement and innovation. 

Is Sweden as big a shit hole as California? Just wondering.

The one 40 miles north is probably two dollars cheaper than this one. But you can save another 20-30 cents by going 3 miles north to the Chevron. The Chevron is still higher than the state average, but more in line with what you would expect from a remote location on the coast.

Sounds like gouging to me.  I travel through and get gas a lot of places as remote or more remote than this and never have had to pay this much.  The worst one I’ve been to was the Needles outpost and last I heard they are only charging $6/gallon.  Thats 48 miles to the nearest gas station and it is not on the way to

Aa an addendum, I once read a profile of another isolated gas station (in the Mojave if memory serves) that pointed out they kept their price artificially high to discourage full tank buyers. The short reasoning was that the fuel trucks followed a set loop, and if they wanted more deliveries, they’d pretty much have

There must be some history here, because to me, the question is a simply binary.  Is he now working or is he still on leave?

Is Pete taking calls now or is he still on child leave?