The author’s point was, at the expense of vanity, they missed a golden and rather obvious opportunity to make the car not only beautiful and efficient, but *supremely* useful as well.
The author’s point was, at the expense of vanity, they missed a golden and rather obvious opportunity to make the car not only beautiful and efficient, but *supremely* useful as well.
Watch the ratings grow..and grow again after they introduce another qualy tweak for Shanghai.
...with the current state of the art batteries, yup. 100%
I think this will actually increase the number of people tuning into see how bad it might be...and then they’ll tweak it for Shanhai, and still more will watch. The sponsors and broadcast rights owners will be doing cartwheels.
The current formula does include capturing (rear) braking energy to charge the on-board battery bank..
I just had to share this picture of the front brake housing and cooling apparatus from last year’s and this year’s McLaren.
Big city governments are notoriously corrupt, money hungry and wasteful. Without these rich people spending their money and paying taxes, we’d have a lot more Detroits, and the same people who are upset about the current state of affairs would be calling for devising incentives to attract more affluent people.
Idiot... Yes 46g is very high.
This man has the answer.
Jowl Flares
Copper paint works fantastically for’d only need a few ounces of the stuff. Or is copper harmful to the environment?
I was wondering when you all would find these Motorweek rewinds!! I’ve been watching them almost constantly since I discovered them last week.