abandoning eden

that would not be a problem for me (well again, it would, cause I prefer the dick) but I'm not the person who sent in the original letter. And since technology is such that most trans women do have penises and a very manlike body, I really don't think it's offensive for someone who is into women to say they are not

Actually personally I would love to hook up with a trans woman (if I wasn't already married to a crossdressing man monogamously lol) because they have all the parts I like- boobs AND a dick :) But that doesn't mean I think everyone has to share my preferences.

maybe because I like penis. I love women intellectually and have had strong crushes on many, but I can never get over their lack of penis. If I can't get over their lack of penis, why should a lesbian have to get over their penis? You are just attracted to what you are attracted to.

I think it's completely unreasonable to ask a lesbian to suck it up and date non cisgendered women. Would you ask a lesbian to date a man for the sake of not making them feel bad or whatever? People are attracted to whom they are attracted to, and going on an online date with someone you would NEVER go on a second