Abandoned Lung

The real story is that Larry Wilmore killed it. I don't know if his jokes were funnier or the reactions (invariably painful groans) to them. It was terrifying how seriously hurt people were by the Wolf Blitzer jibe. More proof that the establishment media live in their own fantasy world same as the 0.1%.

I can't think of any high profile American ones in the last 15 years except for The Wire. I think there are some popular British shows that do a fantastic job. Happy Valley and Shameless (haven't seen the US version) come to mind.

A wonderful piece of film journalism with a great interviewee. It had a personal pull for me as well since The Apu Triology is probably the most celebrated cinematic achievement in my native language of Bangla.

Great review. Loved that you put in pictures to illustrate the point about framing.

That's a Seth MacFarlane-esque headline. And that's not a good thing.

Alright, maybe the emotional potency wasn't the strongest in this one. But in terms of sheer cleverness this is one of the laugh-out-loud funniest and smartest episodes in recent memory. The writing just kept it coming throughout. Definitely an A for me.
